Example sentences of "of [noun sg] [prep] a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Eventually the yacht 's crew was arrested near Bristol and we unloaded the yacht in their absence , taking off twenty four cases of whisky during a hilarious evening operation involving our respective motor boats to ferry the goods back to Poole Quay .
2 I remember doing the mate 's cabin and being mildly surprised to find two cartons of cigarettes and two bottles of whisky in an obvious place under the bottom drawer of his bunk .
3 After breakfast we left the inn and got on the track , which , with care , need not be lost sight of in good weather , except in haze or severe rain , when there is danger at one or two places , where a ceaseless flow of moisture over a rich soil keeps the grass so green and the ground so soft , no path is traceable now and again .
4 And several yards away , glistening with droplets of moisture in a solitary shaft of sunlight , was another flower .
5 INSIDE ISRAEL Voice of unity in a divided region Israel Radio has Arab fans , writes Anton La Guardia
6 Retiro Station offered Paul Theroux a comfortable sense of home-coming after a long rail journey through the continent .
7 Now I think the landscape issue and by landscape I mean er landscape and ecology , is capable of assessment at a strategic level , that 's why we have er National Parks , A O N Bs and so on .
8 I regret the fact that I was not in the Chamber for the speech of the hon. Member for Pudsey ( Sir G. Shaw ) , but my hon. Friend the Member for Durham , North-West ( Ms. Armstrong ) , who was here , told me that he made a heavily veiled criticism of Government policy for its lack of recognition of progress as a key measure of the effectiveness of schools , and expressed concern about the morale of teachers who , he said , were not sufficiently recognised by society .
9 This effectively destroyed any chance of progress at a crucial stage in the negotiations , it meant the collapse of the so-called ‘ Finlandisation ’ option .
10 I mean here the notion of differentiation as a crucial component of the restructuring of the working class as part of the restructuring of the capitalist system of production in these last decades of the twentieth century ( see Byrne and Parson , 1983 ) .
11 To conclude , we may place the three notions of saliency in an ordered relation as follows : Fig2.1 literary psychological statistical RELEVANCE----------------PROMINENCE------------DEVIANCE ( foregrounding ) We interpret the arrow in " X — Y " to mean " all instances of X are instances of Y " . "
12 The redevelopment of the er derelict factory site into smaller industrial units and making it er a form of want for a better phrase , enterprise zone where thanks to subsidies from the government and the E E C , we will look into making it rate free , reduced rents , etc. , er increase capital allowances for companies going in there so you could attract the needed capital intensive industries that will meet the high tech need that we have the need to have to create high tech jobs .
13 As part of its £11 million programme of support for a wide range of community activities , Barclays Bank has pledged £150,000 between 1989 and 1991 to fund Young National Trust Theatre , a professional Theatre-in-Education company .
14 No visible means of support for a perfect frame of clematis montana Rubens
15 I should also value , and quickly , advice and a possible letter of support for a particular job application .
16 The variety of the sources of support for a national scheme of family allowances are an important feature of the story of how the scheme was accepted and implemented .
17 During the ‘ phoney war ’ — the eerie nine months between Chamberlain 's declaration of war and Hitler 's attack in the West — there was a substantial current of support for a negotiated peace .
18 That is effectively we 're paying this extra fifty pence right resource misallocation we there is always what 's called a dead weight loss right to intervention , right it 's an inefficiency loss or an efficiency loss , due to the fact that we 're asking t , in this case farmers , right to using , use resources but farmers are n't the most efficient people in resources but in to erm , high tech computer companies , alright and if we gave pounds worth of support to a high tech computer company they would be able to produce more value as a result of that pound er than if we gave one pound to a farmer , simply because erm that , sort of the high tech industries are more productive , they 're more efficient .
19 In general , the wider ( and often cheaper ) choice of credit types which is opened up by monthly-paid bank accounts seems to us to be , on its own , a big enough advantage to outweigh what is really the temporary awkwardness of change to a new set of habits .
20 If ever there was a clear indication of the Government 's understanding of the changing needs of industry , the effect of change on a particular industry , and the Government 's willingness to take on board the social consequences of change , the last five years and the Coal Industry Bill clearly demonstrate the Government 's balanced commitment to honouring their duty to consider the wider public interest .
21 Indeed , getting proposals through is a test of virility for some executives , so notions of change at a late stage in the policy-making process are unreal .
22 Other influential evidence was provided by Phillips ( 1958 ) who showed that for the UK for almost 100 years before the late 1950s there appeared to exist a stable relationship — which became known as the Phillips curve — between a real variable , unemployment , and the rate of change of a nominal variable , nominal wages .
23 Bhimji had used art document paper , a more fragile and flexible photographic paper , suggesting qualities of skin with a rough surface and large open ‘ pores ’ .
24 REMEMBER that children 's skins burn easily , so cover up any exposed area of skin with a high-factor sun cream .
25 DRAINED by the exercise of inferring what was holding together two pieces of stick inside a cardboard box , a first-year science pupil at Gillingham comprehensive school in north Dorset advanced the opinion that the national curriculum was ‘ just another posh name for different subjects ’ .
26 The jokes between her father , mother and older brother had been adult , almost risqué ; she had been allowed several glasses of champagne without a reproachful look , and her rather revealing décolletage had passed without comment .
27 The development of Champagne as a sparkling wine
28 Intercepting a fresh glass of champagne from a passing waiter , he pressed it into Mrs Rossington 's hand .
29 Running low on ideas , and tired of shopping , all shopped out , I bought four drunks and three strippers nine bottles of champagne in a topless bar on Broadway .
30 Other than this exchange , and a desultory extension of it , in which Boswell tried to get his Bear to perform by raising the quality of genius as a conversational topic , lunch and its aftermath proceeded to a dull conclusion .
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