Example sentences of "of [noun sg] [prep] the [noun pl] ' " in BNC.

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1 As a consequence , the level of reliability of the directors ' statement and the degree of assurance from the auditors is high .
2 Leonard 's switch represents the second change of heart by the Lions ' management in the last week .
3 In the event that a company should fail , in spite of this scrutiny , policy-holders have some degree of protection under the Policy-holders ' Protection Act 1975 .
4 If I am correct — and the statement is also seen in some measure as a form of protection of the parents ' and child 's rights in this matter — it is surely anomalous that this statement appears largely to have become a passport to special schooling .
5 Nothing was achieved and several men had to be left ashore as they were unable to swim to the boats , whose RNVR crews would not beach for fear of damage to the crafts ' hulls .
6 However , the mayoral offer of money for the dolphins ' release was not forthcoming , and much of the goodwill between fishermen , villagers and conservationists evaporated .
7 There was no chance , Everett told them , of raising that sort of money with the Founders ' powers .
8 " The following morning the Deputation again visited the School previous to the Scholars being dismissed for the Midsummer Holidays , and having inspected the Book of Entry of the Scholars ' Admissions & c we found that the whole number of 150 had been received into the School — that on the day of examination 141 were present and the remaining 9 absent from suspension or illness and one by death . "
9 Geary explains the return to tactical violence in the 1 980s partly in terms of the police 's tougher and more sophisticated approach to public disorder induced by the inner-city disturbances of 1981 , though he attributes much of the unusually high level of violence in the miners ' strike to certain exceptional characteristics of the dispute :
10 Furthermore , since the board is dominated by the most senior representatives of management ( this term will be used , except where the context requires otherwise , to refer to the executive directors and senior managers ) it can hardly be regarded as a body providing independent supervision of management on the shareholders ' behalf .
11 I can well understand the plaintiffs ' sense of indignation at the defendants ' breaches of the injunction , and the court will have to consider very carefully all aspects of those breaches when the inevitable contempt proceedings are heard .
12 And , as with all myths , there 's a kernel of truth in the skinheads ' perception of themselves as outcasts .
13 But any suggestion of confidence in the players ' ability to perform on the field must be tempered by worries over their ability to handle life off it .
14 The request for reconsideration must be filed within two days of receiving the certificate of refusal from the magistrates ' court and copy documents must be served on the parties within this time limit .
15 There has been a lot of banter in the Supporters ' Club lately about the prospect of a supermarket on ‘ The Tip ’ .
16 Perhaps the jumble of wood , cloth , metal and coal were even items of importance for the ghost-bottlers ' art .
17 The plaintiff must then put in the notes of evidence from the magistrates ' court ( or the Crown Court ) with a r21 notice and apply for directions under r28 in order to force the defendant to call all the witnesses from the magistrates ' court to give evidence in the civil trial .
18 To play music in this way is considered both a privilege and an obligation , an expression of pride in the ancestors ' memory and their own heritage .
19 Others dived and scurried for any food they found — sometimes a speck of meat from the eagles ' own food , or perhaps the crumbs from some piece of bread that the visitors to the Zoo wrongly threw in .
20 Winter then suffered an attack of cramp in the jockeys ' changing room and had to be assisted in preparing for the ride on Mandarin .
21 His Origin of Forms and Qualities according to the Corpuscular Philosophy ( 1666 ) is a masterpiece of criticism of the Aristotelians ' substantial forms , a detailed classic exposition of the corpuscular theory he wishes to put in their place , and , finally , a compendium of experiments and results , all explained and analysed in corpuscularian terms .
22 This is usually enshrined in the Articles by attaching the right of appointment to the investors ' equity shares .
23 In an attempt to distinguish their notion of topic from the grammarians ' sentential topic , Keenan & Schieffelin ( 1976 ) used the term discourse topic .
24 The incident showed the basic difference in measure of commitment to the Pistols ' ideology of subversion .
25 However , promises were made to shift the emphasis of policy during the Conservatives ' third term towards reforming the private rented sector of the housing market .
26 The director of policy of the Consumers ' Association , Stephen Locke , said it had been pressing the Government to introduce the measures for some time .
27 Provision is made by s.107(4) of the 1936 Act for any person aggrieved by the refusal of the local authority to grant a consent to the establishment of an offensive trade , by a time limit attached to the consent , or by the refusal to extend such a time limit , but not if the consent is conditional , to appeal by way of complaint to the Magistrates ' court .
28 This chapter will examine the rules of competition from the competitors ' point of view , rather than from the referees ' .
29 Our first involvement with pupils comes at the end of the second year when we give advice with choice of subject for the pupils ' curriculum for S3 to S5 .
30 He also felt their might prove a shortage of pace in the Lions ' back-row .
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