Example sentences of "of [noun sg] [verb] by [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A further level of protection sought by some vendors is an undertaking by the purchaser not to solicit the vendor 's employees if the transaction fails .
2 ( c ) The sense of responsibility held by most sub-contractors is such that they will be concerned to retain their reputation as tradesmen , particularly bearing in mind the need for continuity of employment .
3 It should be noted that notwithstanding any risk allocations that may ( or may not ) be agreed in a separate Deed of Contribution , the Civil Liability ( Contribution ) Act 1978 provides that any person liable in respect of damage suffered by another person may recover contributions from all the persons liable in respect of the same damage ( whether jointly with him or otherwise ) .
4 The great Continental stations , Paris , Stuttgart , Vienna , Budapest , Bucharest , Constantinople , have been the beginning and ending and en route stopping-places in the wealth of literature inspired by that acme of railway luxury , the Orient Express , the train on which James Bond once shot a man for ordering red wine with his fish .
5 One fairly obvious analogy is the type of case considered by this court in In re Chase ( No. 2 ) [ 1989 ] 1 N.Z.L.R. 345 where , following in particular the decision of the Privy Council in Tampion v. Anderson [ 1973 ] 3 A.L.R. 414 , the view was taken that an order dismissing an action on the ground that there was no reasonable cause of action was an interlocutory judgment and that therefore no appeal lay as of right .
6 It was submitted on behalf of Mr Street that the court can not in these circumstances decide that the agreement created a tenancy without interfering with the freedom of contract enjoyed by both parties .
7 The summary table in this case simply indicates the considerable range of difficulty covered by most types of task .
8 Similarly , crop plants and microorganisms with a high degree of resistance to damage by some herbicides are under investigation to determine the genetic nature of the resistance .
9 Since , however , the types of response given by these enquirers did not differ significantly from applicants , we have grouped them with the applicants for the purpose of the analysis .
10 The Lorenz curve ( based on information on incomes ranked in ascending order of size ) shows the proportion of income held by each percentage or proportion of the population .
11 The LDC category had first been given prominence nine years earlier , by the September 1981 UN Conference on Least Developed Countries in Paris [ see p. 31352 ] , when the UN had drawn up its list of ( then 31 ) LDCs , but little had been achieved in implementing a Substantial New Programme of Action adopted by that meeting .
12 A role is created for the reader to play beyond that of the simple suspension of disbelief required by all fiction in the face , for instance , of such instances of an extraordinary control over his tale-telling by a supposedly drunken Miller as those just noted .
13 The total amount of protein extracted by this procedure was equivalent to that observed when the procedure of Dignam et al ( 24 ) was applied ( 4–12 µg/10 6 cells ) , but the amount of AP-1 activity measured by band-shift was 3–5 fold higher than in the standard procedure .
14 By making copies of prehistoric stone implements and then using the copies to cut , scrape and chop different materials ( such as growing crops , bones and hides ) , the patterns of wear formed by these processes can be matched to wear patterns on the original artefacts .
15 Media freedom would be enhanced by legislation of the reforms proposed by the Faulks Committee , and even the statutory right of reply advocated by many media critics would be liberating if the exercise of that right were made contingent upon abandoning claims for libel damages .
16 It was the sort of dilemma faced by any ruler of a composite state : different regna posed simultaneous conflicting demands .
17 A Truth Commission was established to investigate selected acts of violence committed by both sides since 1980 ‘ whose mark on society makes most urgent the public knowledge of the truth ’ .
18 We must nevertheless be cautious in assuming that the changing forms of association identified by these authors are simply products of their romanticising imaginations .
19 The Child Support Act sets out to increase the amount of maintenance paid by former partners , both in terms of the actual amounts paid by individuals and in terms of the number of people paying .
20 Computerized systems have reduced the amount of skill required by many engineers and their performance is closely regulated .
21 It examines the status of the metalingual propositions which de Man formulates in this mode as the allegorical meanings of literary texts , and claims that the critique of reference assembled by these readings is subverted by the movements in point of view in the argument .
22 There is no evidence of diminishing case-fatality rates among untreated patients , and therefore no evidence for the diminution of virulence favoured by some historians ( see McKeown and Record 1963 ) .
23 But inevitably they have had to run the gauntlet of disapproval excited by any members of a well-defined class who seem to be getting ideas above their station .
24 Although Distinction is surely the most significant contribution to the study of consumption made by any anthropologist , and one of the major resources for obtaining a better understanding of our own culture , there are certain important limitations to the work .
25 ‘ has liberated English public law from the fetters that the courts had theretofore imposed upon themselves so far as determinations of inferior courts and statutory tribunals were concerned , by drawing esoteric distinctions between errors of law committed by such tribunals that went to their jurisdiction , and errors of law committed by them within their jurisdiction .
26 ‘ has liberated English public law from the fetters that the courts had theretofore imposed upon themselves so far as determinations of inferior courts and statutory tribunals were concerned , by drawing esoteric distinctions between errors of law committed by such tribunals that went to their jurisdiction , and errors of law committed by them within their jurisdiction .
27 It is commonplace in Sweden , for example , that the annual declarations of personal income and of wealth made by all citizens become publicly available documents once they are received by the tax authorities ; a man can conceal his income neither from his wife nor from his neighbour .
28 Such facts are highly relevant to the continuing message of sexism transmitted by all aspects of the discipline .
29 Plans for the shipment from France to Japan of 1.3-1.7 tonnes of plutonium [ see p. 38987 ] aboard the Japanese freighter Akatsuki Maru received final approval from the French government on Oct. 29 amid protests by environmental groups and the imposition of transit bans by some governments .
30 The kind of joke related by any man is a good indicator of his character , mood and circumstance — a fact which is as valid when applied to the nation as a whole .
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