Example sentences of "of [pron] [pron] [verb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Section 137 of the 1984 Act provides that " every lessee to whom there is delivered any summons issued from a county court for the recovery of land held by him … shall forthwith give notice to his lessor … if a lessee fails to give notice he shall be liable to forfeit to the person of whom he hold the land an amount equal to three years improved rent of the land " .
2 We have the support of every consumer body and of everyone who studied the bus privatisation and deregulation that took place in England and Wales .
3 The part of me which made the mistake with the buck , letting it get the better of me for a moment , might still be around if that acid test had n't found it out .
4 The extraordinary factor in such debates is that at the end of them we get the feeling that there is little that we can actually do to alter the course of events .
5 There were bags inside , and in one of them he caught the gleam of gold .
6 Some of them you remember the table we had a long time ago showing the reactivity of different elements , particularly the metals when we were looking at metals .
7 At one of them I had the experience of hearing the Bax works played by Eda Kersey .
8 From one or other of them I obtained the papers on the case , and these , together with the letters I myself had received from Meehan , were enough to dispel any lingering doubts .
9 That 's an uncommon name , it must have been an ancestor of yours who translated the Bible into English . ’
10 " That nice friend of yours who spent the week-end told me you had a lot of Oriental stuff , " Mrs. Hargreaves went on .
11 The RYA produces a booklet called ‘ Clubs for Newcomers ’ ( £1.50 from the RYA ) which lists over 400 clubs around the country which are open to new membership with a contact name of someone who knows the club well and could show you around .
12 In an action for breach of an agreement embodied in a Tomlin order the plaintiff was granted an injunction against the defendants restraining them from ‘ selling disposing or otherwise dealing with seeking to sell dispose or deal with ’ property of which they owned the freehold .
13 What is more , it is close enough to the present day to be regarded as an illustration of the present-day processes by means of which we interpret the past .
14 Now , that when you arrange your sling in the first place , it 's crucial to the success and ease of which you finalize the bit round the elbow .
15 Davie Jess , a well known wag , entertained his mates with a flood of stories , many of which , as he said later , John Robertson , a man known to have a fine voice was asked to sing a song ; the only songs of which he knew the words were all hymns and soon rescuers gathered in the control room on the surface heard a strong , clear rendering of The Old Rugged Cross coming to them over the internal telephone system , with more than 100 trapped miners joining in the chorus .
16 In addition to this intensive work on his especial subjects , and those , like the study of modern Greek , of which he knew the language and traditions very well , and which arose naturally out of his other activities , Tozer had an abiding love for Dante , and published both an elegant three-volume commentary on the Divina Commedia ( 1901 ) and a prose translation of the poem ( 1904 ) .
17 This was immediately prior to the Nicholson ‘ star ’ era ; the wave of which he rode the crest was beginning to build and it is interesting to chronicle for a moment some of the events leading up to his ‘ discovery ’ as a major Hollywood personality — a hero of the age and one who , as we have seen , was much influenced by the existentialist prophecies of Kerouac , which were now , finally , coming home to roost in middle-class America and elsewhere .
18 So he was attracted to Evans-Pritchard 's contention that ‘ the sociologist should also be a moral philosopher and that , as such , he should have a set of definite beliefs and values in terms of which he evaluates the facts he studies as a sociologist ’ .
19 Secondly , it is the case that this rule of recognition , in terms of which he assesses the validity of a particular statute , is not only accepted by him but is the rule of recognition actually accepted and employed in the general operation of the system .
20 At the conference of the Institute of Housing at Harrogate in 1985 , Mr. Banham praised the authority of the city of which I had the privilege to be leader , describing it as the most efficient authority in Britain .
21 I point to the last Northern Ireland Assembly , of which I had the honour of being Speaker .
22 The Meien valley road climbs up west from Wassen through varied alpine landscape including tunnels , through one of which it traverses the Susten pass summit ( 2,224m , 7,295ft ) .
23 ( 3 ) It possesses the monopoly of violence throughout this area , by virtue of which it has the capacity , even if not the moral authority , to guarantee the finality of its decision in political disputes arising from the conflict of individuals or groups within its territory .
24 In the late 1950s the congregation was startled to be apostrophized with the words , ‘ Those of you who remember the siege of Mafeking ’ .
25 Thanks so much to the thousands of you who took the time and trouble to fill out the Pet Census in the April issue .
26 The second is that the statutory services do not have the monopoly of altruism or the monopoly of occupying the high moral ground , and I think that those of you who saw the presentation given yesterday afternoon by Mike O'Reilly on the work that 's being done at Knowesouth , the private home he and his wife run , would have to concede that that was an excellent example of the kind of not only interesting , but the kind of pushing forward the boundaries of what can be done in different kinds of settings for people with dementia .
27 Thanks to all of you who returned the Alumni Update questionnaires — even as I write , they are still coming in !
28 Very many thanks to all of you who returned the questionnaire .
29 Those of you who had the benefit of tv replays and pundits blathering will actually know a lot more about it than I can recall .
30 Well okay , those of you who liked the Shakespeare better , for whatever reasons , even if it 's just because you did n't get to grips with Johnson , which of the plays , first of all , erm did you find most interesting ?
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