Example sentences of "of [pron] [verb] in [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The report showed that there were between 27,000,000 and 35,000,000 blind people in the world , over 90 per cent of whom lived in the developing world , mostly in rural areas .
2 What had originated as a spontaneous civilian outburst now began to be depicted in the international media as a revolt by Iraq 's majority Shia community , most of whom lived in the southern part of the country .
3 Amongst the Arab coalition forces the Saudi Arabian losses were given as at least 26 killed ( 19 of whom died in the Iraqi attack on Khafji — see p. 37938 ) and 10 missing ; Egyptian as 19 killed and 74 wounded ; and six dead from the United Arab Emirates .
4 Pope John Paul II paid a three-day visit ( his fourth ) to Poland on Aug. 13-16 , celebrating mass in Krakow on Aug 13 and paying tribute the next day in his home town of Wadowice to the town 's pre-war Jewish community , many of whom died in the nearby concentration camp at Auschwitz .
5 The 450,000 employees , 300,000 of whom work in the postal service , are unhappy .
6 Of the 20 Best of Young British Novelists , however , I confess to having listed only Iain Banks , Kazuo Ishiguro ( both of whom appeared in the third edition ) and Jeanette Winterson , although I think there is scope too for Will Self , Nicholas Shakespeare and maybe Ben Okri .
7 From the studios and shows I visited I spoke to women artists , all of whom graduated in the last 10 years about their work , their experiences with galleries , residencies , organising shows and lecturing , in an attempt to assess current directions in women 's work and gauge their position within the art world .
8 Two pints of your best , and have one yourself , ’ one of them said in a loud voice .
9 " Here mate , " one of them said in a puzzled voice , " You 're a customs officer , what the hell were you doing in there ?
10 Bartlemas had an enormous private income , and the pair of them lived in a tall Victorian house in Islington , which was filled to the brim with play-bills , prints , prompt copies , figurines and other souvenirs of their two heroes .
11 Some of them lived in a rented house , while the Taiwan Ten took over the garage and yard .
12 Without turning round he said in a harsh voice : ‘ If you want to know about Inez , Mr Wycliffe , you must ask Sara , the two of them lived in the same house for nearly twelve years .
13 Vases in the Marine Style , including rhytons , bridge-spouted jugs and three-handled amphoras , are decorated with triton shells , argonauts , octopuses , starfish , rocks and seaweed — all of them treated in a free and fluid way .
14 containing the names and particulars of the directors and secretary and a consent signed by each of them to act in the relevant capacity ; and
15 An ordinary freedom-fighter or revolutionary — and there were a great many of them operating in the Holy Land at the time — might well have won popular support for his actions , but could not have been acclaimed as the Messiah .
16 Some 15 million of them served in the armed forces , over 11 million going overseas ; and it is estimated that another 15 million moved from their homes , mainly in the smaller towns and the rural areas , to the booming sites of the war industries , such as those in California .
17 Most of them believed in an immaterial reality too .
18 We attended between us five workshops and found all of them lacking in a clear overall framework/direction which would at least set an agenda for future constructive discussion ( let alone action ) .
19 Two of them came in the first half as Bolton tore Watford to shreds .
20 Two of them came in the third round .
21 There are 200 species of primate , 90 per cent of them living in the tropical rainforests of Asia , Africa and South and Central America .
22 Many have good sight , but there are a few forms which have lost their eyes , some of them living in the lightless world of caves .
23 In my own section , towards the middle of the cloakroom , I saw to my horror two lines of girls staring at me and giggling , and as I came near , one of them asked in a sarcastic voice where I came from .
24 This was a book of fables , most of them pointing in the inevitable direction ; the title story told , with some charm , of a little boy who saw from a hillside while out walking a house whose windows were all of gold .
25 The West Indian islands contain less than a dozen active volcanoes , all of them congregated in a small arc at the east of the chain , but one of these , Mt Pelee , was responsible for the most lethal eruption of this century .
26 Wayne said as the two of them sat in the empty hull of a partly-restored cruiser on the Saturday morning , but Pete could only shrug .
27 ‘ Do n't you dare beat me up , you nasty nasty man , I 'm a policeman ! ’ one of them shrieked in a mocking falsetto .
28 Some of them appear in the above list , for a hard line can not be drawn .
29 ‘ A Goddamn ! ’ one of them replied in a thick , Scottish accent .
30 A groom came out to take their horses and , when he saw Corbett , immediately ran off leaving all three of them standing in the pouring rain .
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