Example sentences of "of [art] [noun sg] have a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Since the family were exiled from France there could be no question of the Prince having a political role within the country , even though there was no lack of latent Bonapartist feeling among all sections of society .
2 The bidirectional reflectance of the soil has a considerable effect on that of the canopy ( , ) , see Table .
3 It might be thought that the clerk of the council has a nobler sound than director-general , for example .
4 At last he said to himself , " Even the birds of the air and the fish of the sea have a better life than I , for at least they have companions .
5 Both judges decided in favour of the child having a possible cause of action so that each action will proceed to trial .
6 The configuration of the shore has a large bearing on tide heights and range , tending to increase in bays and funnel-shape inlets like the Bristol Channel and St Malo , near the Channel Islands , in France .
7 Every teacher at whatever level of the hierarchy has a certain reservoir of skill , experience , aptitude and common sense , sufficient to enable some jobs to be accomplished swiftly , easily and confidently , but not others .
8 We 'll be discussing it this afternoon and Labour members told us and no doubt they 'll tell us again that the users of the centre have a democratic right to be consulted about how it was run Do n't tenant farmers have the right to be consulted ?
9 In this way the students become aware that each movement of the kata has a specific purpose , and knowing that makes it easier to remember the kata sequences .
10 The wall of the artery has a normal architecture without signs of vasculitis , atherosclerosis or aneurysm formation .
11 Assuming that the government of the day has a comfortable majority in the House of Commons , executive dominance over the legislature and control over the processes of decision making becomes possible .
12 At a rally they heard the Labour leader John Smith repeat his criticism of the government having a fatal addiction to V A T. Several Conservative MPs have stepped up the pressure on senior ministers to reverse the plans .
13 Knowing or not knowing the title of the passage had a significant effect on recall , as did word order .
14 Freedom of the press has a long history , but it is only since 1980 that the right to communicate and the freedom that it entails has been seen as the very centre of human rights , and indeed as a precondition for a meaningful implementation of other human rights .
15 It is worth carrying out this simple exercise to disprove the common fallacy that the shape derived from chopping off the top of the cone at an angle is egg shaped ( the assumption is that the end closest to the base of the cone has a larger radius because the cone is larger there ) , in fact both ends have the same radius , it 's an ellipse — try it .
16 Here relationships are ordered , certainly ; each person of the Trinity has a differentiated function , but all are equal .
17 She remarked how each definable function of the household had a special room set aside for it , for example there were dining rooms , parlours and drawing rooms , and serving pantries , pantries and sculleries .
18 Talk of a realignment on the centre-left of the spectrum has a long history .
19 The grain size of the sediment has a direct effect on the percolation rate which is the main control of gradient , the coarser the beach sediment the steeper the slope .
20 The cones are concentrated in the fovea , and the rest of the retina has a higher proportion of rods which only provide monochrome vision .
21 The rocks of the land have a smaller specific heat than water does , which means that any given amount of heat that falls upon them will raise their temperature more than that of water .
22 In each case the jurist decides that the beneficiary of the trust has a better claim to the object than the creditor .
23 National economic policy does not explain the whole of urban decline , but the attitudes and policies of the Treasury have a greater influence on the cities than probably all urban projects combined .
24 All those people and organisations who were involved in the accident , such as the operators and the manufacturers of the aircraft , the pilots and other crew members , Air Traffic Control , the Civil Aviation Authority , the passengers and anyone else who in the opinion of the commissioner has a proper interest in the accident , are entitled to be represented ; usually by counsel briefed by solicitors , but laymen are not excluded .
25 The bodice of the robe has a deep cleavage plunging to the navel .
26 The poem is too long to quote in its entirety here , but the opening lines should provide a suitable contrast with " The retreate " : Here , a particular incident in the past is being recalled ; so the bulk of the poem has a content time which is separate from the coding time .
27 They can still sleep in comfort because one half of the bed has a hard mattress , the other soft .
28 Every division of the army had a prearranged town or village where it would gather and wait for further orders .
29 At the end of the exercise have a short period of conversation while you concentrate on the fingertips on your larynx and on feeling the right degree of voice volume , your friend keeping check for you on the right amount of voice volume and indicating if it becomes too loud or too quiet .
30 On the other hand , there is a reservation to be entered : that if the verb of the construction has a lexical meaning involving a change of state through time , then the two types of anteriority — constructional/linguistic and external/situational — will naturally tend to march in step .
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