Example sentences of "of [art] [noun] to [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Another example that illustrates the need for change is the diminished opportunity to pass deterrent sentences , not just in terms of the threat to society of a particular offender , but the threat to society that is posed by the crime at large in which these people are involved .
2 This reflects the actual opportunity cost of the resources to society as a whole .
3 Patrick McAuslan and John McEldowney write of the contribution to disaffection throughout western Europe of what they term the gap ‘ between on the one hand the rhetoric of democracy , of even-handed administration , and of equal opportunities for all , and on the other the increasing centralization and insensitivity of public administration ’ .
4 The novels enjoyed a limited success , but because most novelists were concerned at the time to redefine the relation of the individual to society in terms of changing values , it was all too easy for readers to focus on the social dimension of Brooke-Rose 's fiction and to overlook those aspects which can in retrospect be seen to prefigure the problems and techniques of her later work .
5 But since brachiopods were unable to do many of the things that bivalves do very efficiently , it would be unwise to attribute the decline of the brachiopods to diversification of the bivalves .
6 The tenor of the work so far indicates my view that any account of the rise to prominence of black sportsmen in Britain is hollow unless constant reference is made to the social conditions amidst which black people lived and live .
7 THE AUDEN GENERATION by Samuel Hynes Pimlico , £12 THIS literary history of England in the Thirties ( a decade often looked back upon nostalgically as the most recent time when literary giants still stalked the land ) is more than the usual glib account of the rise to fame of that precocious composite poet MacSpaunday .
8 But as the critics also point out , this trend itself has a political character , and may be interpreted as the consequence of the rise to power of a new technical-bureaucratic class or elite .
9 As early as 1895 he was a regular contributor to the Engineer and Engineering , taking the great engineers of the day to task over technical issues , and he soon became well known .
10 The HSE takes a generally sanguine view of the dangers to health from biotechnology .
11 Tomorrow is the first anniversary of the stabbing to death of the young black schoolboy Rolan Adams and in the year since then 15 black families — council tenants and owner-occupiers — have been driven out of their homes on the Thamesmead estate .
12 As well as addressing the role and responsibilities of public , authorities , industry , the workforce and the general public , the principles detail prevention activities , including planning , construction , monitoring and assessment and mention the rights of the public to information concerning hazardous installations .
13 A single line railway ran from St George 's to Kelly 's Island , the full length of the colony , and many Bermudians brought their bicycles part of the way to town on the flat-cars attached to the train for that purpose .
14 It concludes by drawing lessons for effective policy to bring about equality of opportunity for each sex , and by reviewing the evidence for effects of the changes to date on family formation in Britain .
15 It has also given legal effect to the judicial monitoring procedure , but there is no accountability of the Commissioner to Parliament despite the concern about this type of procedure which was raised in public after the Massiter affair .
16 The majority of EC governments support Mr Delors in using the impulse of the moves to democracy in Eastern Europe , and the overwhelming backing for EMU shown at last weekend 's Strasbourg summit , to secure a bigger role for the parliament .
17 After hering a summary of evidence the magistrate will decide whether to commit all or any of the defendants to trial at Crown Court .
18 After hering a summary of evidence the magistrate will decide whether to commit all or any of the defendants to trial at Crown Court .
19 Charles Booth 's reports and the need for bodies like the Salvation Army and Dr Barnardo 's Homes show the other side of the coin to life in the Hampstead villas .
20 No provision has been included in the 1992 financial statements in respect of any potential awards under the Plan as the criteria set out in the rules of the Plan to quality for any award in relation to performance in 1992 were not achieved .
21 Right yes I am keen on that because I think er one of the keys to growth in our business is to attract more people and to attract people you must tell them that we 're here and what we 're doing .
22 Once these results are available , comparisons will be made in the type and magnitude of the response to entry across the sample .
23 On the question of risk , the attraction of the various legal forms is in part predicated upon the attitude of the RICS to relief from the restrictions on practising with limited liability .
24 My second are of concern is the limited scope of the qualification to liability for bona fide discussion of public affairs or other matters of general public interest .
25 Charles Rose , the chairman of a House of Representatives agriculture subcommittee , claimed in the House on March 14 that BNL had loaned part of the money to Rafidain under the pretence that it formed part of a $514,000,000 government-approved export credit guarantee scheme for agricultural development in Iraq .
26 The problem this creates for Christianity is that a part of the turning to faith in our generation may be only a reflection of the psychological and sociological undercurrents of our time .
27 What are the main disadvantages of the yield to maturity as a measure of the return from holding a bond ?
28 The coupon yield curve is a plot of the yield to maturity against term to maturity for a group of bonds with the same coupon .
29 The par yield curve is a plot of the yield to maturity against term to maturity for bonds priced at par .
30 The additional TL produced by the laboratory dose enables the TL sensitivity of the pottery to radiation to be determined .
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