Example sentences of "of [adj] [noun pl] and [verb] him " in BNC.

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1 A Polish farmer fits him out with a complete set of dry clothes and sends him on to the West German embassy in Warsaw .
2 to enlarge a child 's knowledge , experience and understanding , develop his awareness of moral values and to enable him to become ‘ an active ’ and ‘ responsible ’ participant in society … capable of achieving as much independence as possible .
3 The economist 's role in all this is essentially to make the policy-maker aware of these trade-offs and to advise him of the suitability of alternative policy tools for the achievement of objectives .
4 Boniface informed the archbishop about the holding of Frankish synods and sent him a copy of their decrees , particularly those of the council of 747 , urging him to reform the behaviour of bishops and condemning their adornment of dress and propensity for drunkenness .
5 Judaism and Islam could be called polytheistic religions in the sense that they do contain traditions that represent Jews and Moslems as called upon to choose one of several gods and follow Him to the exclusion of others .
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