Example sentences of "of [adj] [noun pl] [adv] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The total cosmid library contained about 8500 clones , a coverage of 23 , but most hybridisations were done on a sublibrary of 3000 clones ie a coverage of 8.5 .
2 They undertake a booking of a minimum of fifty seats once a week if we will give a special price .
3 There had been a light snowfall the previous night but it looked as if someone else had been here , visited the witch then gone back to the line of trees , covering their tracks by using a switch of old branches so no imprint could be seen .
4 Where the Regulations apply , they give a cooling-off period entitling the customer to cancel the agreement at any time ‘ within the period of 7 days following the making of the contract . ’
5 If the IMF had been a major borrower and issuer of SDR-denominated assets then the SDR might have been used more extensively .
6 The campaign of mass action organized by the ANC and its allies which began on June 16 [ see p. 38948 ] continued during July with demonstrations of differing sizes almost every day .
7 Of these divisions only the gastropods and cephalopods contain predators and in terms of the home aquarium we only really need to consider gastropods as octopi and squid are so seldom offered on the hobbyist market .
8 Of all abilities only the capacity to conceptualize has been found to correlate with the performance of managers .
9 They also observed that for some of those youngsters subsequently the change of direction brought only short-lived renaissance of interest and motivation before the same boredom and lack of achievement returned .
10 This approach thus results in the specification of 27 zones about a three.dimensional primary space , with touching conditions recorded with respect to the six excursion conditions ( see Figure 2.13 ) .
11 Such a memorial , however , was not likely to satisfy Catholics , Jews and members of other denominations so the RAF sought the help of the CWGC .
12 In the general case manufacturing costs are high compared with those of other functions so the function has a massive influence on company productivity .
13 The work of Religious Orders e.g. the Jericho Benedictines
14 If migration er increases to a hundred percent of past trends then the employment provision will have to increase also .
15 His cooling-off period does not expire until the end of seven days following the acceptance .
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