Example sentences of "of [adj] [noun sg] [vb mod] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 This definable zero-point must have some relevance to the archaeological site being dated : potassium-argon dating of a piece of volcanic rock will date the formation of the rock , but it does not necessarily provide any useful information for the archaeologist ; the rock may simply be part of the geological environment of the site .
2 And , speaking just hours before the Budget , he warned that confusion in the signals being given by the Chancellor in his handling of economic policy would damage the ‘ fragile confidence ’ now emerging .
3 She quoted an education lecturer , " if Risinghill were a country place , the natural conditions of rural life would throw the teacher into the community , but in London social conditions do not do this ; unless you see it as a need , you would go along quite happily thinking the community is not part of your job " ( Berg 1968:273 ) .
4 The two-part structure of each clause may reflect the way the sender has organized the information in her own mind , more than the way she guesses it is being received in another .
5 The police forces of each country would have the right of " hot pursuit " of suspects across their borders for up to 10 km and to make arrests in each other 's countries , except in France , and a common data bank to track down criminals was to be set up in Strasbourg .
6 An assessment of the relative position of each service will provide the basis for a review .
7 As described earlier , InsP 3 plays a central role in driving this oscillatory activity and the wave-like spread of each spike may facilitate the transfer of a calcium signal to the nucleus .
8 If four dogs are stationed at the four corners of a square and released such that A chases B , while B chases C , C pursues D and D follows A , the path of each dog will describe an equiangular spiral .
9 There must not be any ambiguous steps in the sequence , since the understanding of each step must facilitate the learning of the next step .
10 When planning the spacing , once again bear in mind that the total of spaces and/or the back of each pleat must equal the track length .
11 On the wrong side of the heading ( facing ) , mark the position of the pleats as planned , remembering that the total measurement of all the scallops plus the spaces either side of each pleat must equal the length of the pole ( fig. 6 , page 27 ) .
12 The size and humidity of each warehouse will affect the rate at which the whiskey ages .
13 The nature of representative politics may affect the continuity of policy .
14 OVERALL winner of the third round of the Suffolk County AAA teams of eight competition will receive the Brinded Cup at Dunwich and Minsmere on Sunday .
15 Thus fully anticipated changes in the rate of growth of aggregate demand may affect the level of real output even where expectations are rational .
16 To read the whole of European poetry would consume a lifetime .
17 Sale of historic armoury may stimulate the market
18 Layers of organic muds of swamp origin will be interspersed with wedge-shaped horizons of marine sediments thinning landwards and representing marine advance , however this may have been caused , levees of coarser sediment will follow the courses of former distributaries , while fanshaped spreads of such material will mark the sites of levee breaches .
19 A layout of that kind would have the advantage that you could leave your work out on the desk in the room and go back to it later — you would n't need to tidy up before you started on another piece of work , because you 'd go to another room to do it .
20 If one built a road a lot further out which is the case with the road shown in the structure plan key diagram , use of that road would represent a major diversion for local traffic , which would therefore be much less likely to use it .
21 Cuts of that level would decimate the existing service and make it almost impossible for underdeveloped areas of the service such as facilities for children with physical disabilities , imaginative respite , and family-based care schemes and improved under-fives facilities to be developed .
22 You have been struck by some particular type of person and have found a plausible set of circumstances in which a person of that type would commit a murder .
23 When those same pensioners understand that blanket commitments of that type will erode the extra money available to help the poorer end , they may take rather a different view .
24 Held , allowing the appeal , that although justices had an overriding duty to investigate the proposals advanced by the parties notwithstanding that they had been fully agreed , the profundity of that investigation should reflect the reality that there was consensus between the parties , particularly when one party was a local authority with statutory duties and another the child 's guardian ad litem , and any period during which justices reserved their decision or reasoned judgment should be kept to a minimum ; that if justices , having fulfilled their duty to make an independent investigation of terms proposed by consent , came to the conclusion that other terms should be imposed on the parties , they should indicate the terms they were minded to impose and give the parties an opportunity to make submissions on them ; and that , in all the circumstances , the order should be varied to provide that there would be no contact with the father on the basis that the local authority would continue to perform its statutory duty to review each six months and that the half-sister would be afforded reasonable contact ( post , pp. 277B–F , 278C–D ) .
25 First , and foremost , whilst undoubtedly there is an overriding duty in the court to investigate the proposals advanced by the parties , even when those proposals are fully agreed , the profundity of that investigation must reflect the reality that there is consensus amongst the parties to the litigation , particularly when the parties include a public authority with statutory duties and a guardian ad litem on behalf of the child .
26 The construction of that channel will require the excavation of a very large quantity of sand and gravel .
27 is that a person who acts as a representative of another is in a conflict of interest situation if , either at the time when he accepts appointment or subsequently while he acts as a representative , there is a material interest of his own or of a third person for whom he also acts , and the pursuit or protection of that interest would create a substantial risk that he may not act in the best way to pursue or protect the interest of the person he represents .
28 A definition of that sort might allow the person addressed to take into account the fact that the person making the utterance was seeking to make a serious point , or engage him in reasoned discussion , or was acting unintentionally .
29 It will be a condition only if either there is an earlier case establishing that such a clause is a condition ( i.e. ‘ of the essence ’ ) or else it was clearly intended by the parties when they made the contract that any breach of that term would entitle the other party to repudiate the contract and reject the goods .
30 The outcome of that debate will take a while to sort out .
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