Example sentences of "of [adj] [noun] [adv] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In short if an application does not know how to make use of expanded memory then the memory remains unused .
2 The total cosmid library contained about 8500 clones , a coverage of 23 , but most hybridisations were done on a sublibrary of 3000 clones ie a coverage of 8.5 .
3 If we assume that ducks peek randomly , briefly and independently of each other then the probability of the flock detecting a randomly attacking cat is given by P = 1 — e where n is the flock size .
4 They undertake a booking of a minimum of fifty seats once a week if we will give a special price .
5 It reads : ‘ For as long as any rugby player living in the Republic of South Africa is the victim of racial discrimination under the laws of that country neither the WRU , nor any of its member clubs , will become involved in any matches organised under the authority of the SARB .
6 Certainly , a low ‘ g ’ sensitive person is liable to become completely incapable of further thought once the aircraft pitches nose-down the first time .
7 Had the axial spin of M been slower than that of synchronous rotation then the torque would have acted to speed it up until synchronous rotation was achieved .
8 There had been a light snowfall the previous night but it looked as if someone else had been here , visited the witch then gone back to the line of trees , covering their tracks by using a switch of old branches so no imprint could be seen .
9 Where it is a matter of public feeling then the voting system has a place — as a sort of representative jury .
10 IF you are a celebrity of some kind then the odds are that you have been asked to endorse a product of some kind .
11 and erm if you listen to things on the radio they they have at the end of a sentence or at the end of some sentence quite a pause for a second before they go on
12 5.3 If at any time there has been any [ material ] noncompliance by the Landlord with any of [ its ] obligations under clause 2 or by the Tenant with any of [ its ] obligations under clause 3 and such default shall continue for or shall not be remedied to the [ reasonable ] satisfaction of the party not in default within [ 15 ] working days ( time being of the essence ) after service on the party in default by the other part of a notice specifying the default and invoking the provisions of this clause then the provisions of clause 5.4 shall have effect immediately upon the expiry of the relevant period
13 Of companies of this sort only the liverymen , if indeed all of them , were likely to find their way into the returns .
14 As with speaker variables generally , there is despite the apparent specificity of this variable still a problem of interpretation ; many other speaker variables are associated with political orientation such as , for example , an affinity for peasant rather than urban life .
15 Where the Regulations apply , they give a cooling-off period entitling the customer to cancel the agreement at any time ‘ within the period of 7 days following the making of the contract . ’
16 Most parents expect their children to be clean by the age of 2½ years , but 16 per cent of 3-year-olds still show signs of faecal incontinence once a week or more .
17 If the IMF had been a major borrower and issuer of SDR-denominated assets then the SDR might have been used more extensively .
18 ‘ I have to say that in terms of violent crime generally the amount of it in the United Kingdom is small compared with that in other countries and , if I may say so , here in Washington . ’
19 Or , to put the question in terms closer to his own , are the principles enunciated in the system of Absolute Idealism really the truth to which these theological teachings point ?
20 The campaign of mass action organized by the ANC and its allies which began on June 16 [ see p. 38948 ] continued during July with demonstrations of differing sizes almost every day .
21 Of these divisions only the gastropods and cephalopods contain predators and in terms of the home aquarium we only really need to consider gastropods as octopi and squid are so seldom offered on the hobbyist market .
22 There are philosophers , some of them inclined to Kant 's doctrine that we impose the category of causation on reality , some of them freer spirits , who think or at any rate say differently of causation and of nomic connection generally-in a phrase , that it is part of the mental order .
23 Of all abilities only the capacity to conceptualize has been found to correlate with the performance of managers .
24 These studies show that if we can define a population with a high risk of recurrent disease then the outlook may be improved by medical treatment .
25 They also observed that for some of those youngsters subsequently the change of direction brought only short-lived renaissance of interest and motivation before the same boredom and lack of achievement returned .
26 Where there is more than one policy in force covering the same Insured the loss shall be shared on the basis of independent liability e.g. a claim for the theft of a watch from a holiday villa following forcible and violent entry would be covered under a Travel policy and a Home policy .
27 This approach thus results in the specification of 27 zones about a three.dimensional primary space , with touching conditions recorded with respect to the six excursion conditions ( see Figure 2.13 ) .
28 However , if that election had been fought under some system of proportional representation then the Conservatives would have had a majority over Labour but would have been in a very substantial overall minority since the Liberals and Social Democrats would have held 160 or so seats .
29 Early models had the appearance of small bellows hence the name .
30 The Marine Policy is one of strict indemnity i.e. the Insurer undertakes to indemnify the Policyholder in the manner and to the extent agreed in the Policy and no further .
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