Example sentences of "of [adj] [noun] [adv] [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 It resulted in a massive increase in government spending both in the United States and in Europe and it created a bipartisan consensus , a sense of political solidarity both domestically and among allies , in the pursuit of shared war aims .
2 The regional distribution of temporary workers followed the distribution of total employment fairly closely and as such does not deserve any special attention .
3 Arachidonic acid therefore could lead to an activation of presynaptic PKC both directly and as a consequence of the increased production of diacylglycerol .
4 Section 3 of that Act so far as relevant provides :
5 Those who advised the hon. Gentleman 's constituent no doubt knew the circumstances of that locality far better than I do .
6 What happened next is something I shall never forget , and I have thought of that moment incessantly ever since it happened .
7 If Father were to hear them he 'd whip me out of that place much quicker than he pushed me in , I can tell you .
8 He was in no hurry , but just wanted to get out of that town as soon as possible .
9 For the social sciences have more to gain from each other than they have to lose , and the precise origin and pedigree of new findings and theories is of little importance so long as they extend and expand our understanding of the world .
10 The fact that she was worried about her own career seemed to be a matter of little interest as far as Ross was concerned .
11 The bankers ' peace , however , was not a genuine one , but a rampant militarism which threatened to destroy the foundations of civilized life as surely as , if less quickly than , war itself .
12 Moreover , the shock of the 1929 Wall Street crash and the ensuing economic depression ( which hit the primary-producing nations of Latin America particularly badly as the industrialised countries slashed imports ) had two correlated effects .
13 Geoffrey Martel had perceived the propaganda potential of public war as early as the mid eleventh century ; later it enabled Henry the Liberal of Champagne to claim the military service of all lords within his county , a reapplication of the Carolingian ban .
14 This annual service charge is an object of some suspicion as far as many would-be buyers are concerned , and in some countries there is legislation to protect buyers against developers who set the charge low initially and then raise it excessively later .
15 By and large , their message is that we should get rid of this Government as quickly as we can and put a Labour Government in their place .
16 To quote that part of this Act so far as it affects a member of a local authority may be useful .
17 ‘ We take hoaxes of this sort very seriously and are determined to prosecute anyone who is found carrying them out .
18 " It would be incorrect " , noted Nizan , " to think that this decision in any way heralds a spectacular reversal in the policy of the USSR … continuity is the essential characteristic of Soviet foreign policy , and nobody has outlined the principles of this policy more forcefully than M. Molotov " .
19 Normally subjects were able to detect the presence of this gap equally well whether the square was presented to left or right of the fixation point .
20 The suspect must be told of this right both orally and in writing and will be asked to sign the custody record saying that this has been done .
21 Resolved that this meeting concurs in Apinion [ sic ] with the said Committee — that it will be necessary to carry on the Business of this Institution as perfectly as possible , that there should be two Professors appointed & that as soon as the proposed plan for the College is executed , which , from the Encouragement already given , 't is hoped will be speedily accomplished — The members will avail themselves of the Offer made by the Committee and refer the Merits of Candidates for the second professorship to their investigation .
22 And and and the three thousand nine hundred does n't seem out of this world as far as I 'm concerned .
23 That co-operation will be vital in getting to the bottom of this matter as soon as possible .
24 That Leeds was working within the constraints of this theory as early as 1912 is often overlooked .
25 Delegates demanded the start of all-party talks as soon as possible , followed by the formation of a broadly based interim government .
26 They wanted the return of civil government as early as possible , and on this point they seemed satisfied by the assurances of Lord Mountbatten 's representative and Sir Reginald Dorman-Smith .
27 One or two stretch the notion of individual guilt so far that they embark on self-mutilation .
28 Although the , the hub of the sails is more or less in the centre of this photograph it 's not in sent not in the sense of , of the area of vision because you 've got a lot of dark area here so that tends to move the centre of vision so it becomes this bit , if you like , and so that 's not in the centre there .
29 All you have to do is stand still , then in a sudden , short burst of activity you chuck this sort of cannon-ball-like object as far as you can .
30 The aim is to develop new statistical methods which will predict the behaviour of future subjects as accurately as possible .
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