Example sentences of "of [adj] [noun] [verb] [art] same " in BNC.

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1 A number of Labour authorities did the same , believing it could help them plan service development more effectively .
2 Article 8 of each Convention had the same text , which survives with only minor drafting changes , in the text of the most recent Hague Convention on the topic , that on the Taking of Evidence Abroad of 1970 .
3 The practical approach therefore is to group users and potential users so that firstly the members of each group require the same information and secondly the number of groups is manageable .
4 Since the nucleus of each cell contains the same genetic information , it is the reciprocal communication between nucleus and cytoplasm during development that determines which proteins are made .
5 No longer are these words turned into a metal block , and no longer does the creation of that block require the same sophisticated skills as those built up over many years by typesetters .
6 Perhaps because of disincentives built into the Supplementary Benefit system , the ‘ zero-earner couple ’ category is bigger than one would expect if the wives of unemployed men had the same economic activity rates as the wives of employed men ( see Rimmer , 1987 , p. 44 for a discussion of this phenomenon ) .
7 Whereas the time taken for a computer working randomly but with the constraint of cumulative selection to perform the same task is of the same order as humans ordinarily can understand , between 11 seconds and the time it takes to have lunch .
8 The decision to drop the case against him was made by Director of Public Prosecutions Barbara Mills , after the collapse of another trial involving the same company , Plasser Railway Machinery .
9 Can I reiterate what he he actually said in a meeting with Calum er Carole Degucht er last year er he said I do y the honourable , my honourable friend said I do not see that uniformity means adopting a system of proportional representation and I 've yet to see a good case as to the merits of different states adopting the same procedure .
10 Such communities may tolerate a wide range of different forms to express the same item .
11 The centre ground of British politics remained the same uncertain terrain it had been ever since 1918 .
12 1.9 " Certificate " means a certificate by the Architect to the effect that in the opinion of the Architect Practical Completion of the Landlord 's Works has been achieved and " Practical Completion " shall for the purposes of this agreement have the same meaning as in the Building Contract ) The " opinion of the Architect " should be qualified to read " the reasonable opinion of the Architect " , but it should be noted that practical completion can be certified even when some works under the building contract are still outstanding .
13 About 68 per cent of illegitimate births were jointly registered in the names of both parents in 1987 compared to 53 per cent in 1977 , and in 1987 , 70 per cent of such parents gave the same address .
14 A scale like this will normally consist of a series of such statements tapping the same attitudinal dimension .
15 While for many people religious faith provides a spiritual backdrop to their lives , for others simply feeling a part of the continuity of human society provides the same spiritual dimension .
16 All of these studies emphasised the same , fundamental point : that rehabilitation had led to the sacrifice of justice in favour of an alternative goal that it had manifestly failed to achieve .
17 Every business indicator of these years showed the same trend upwards .
18 9.1.3 Alternatively to Condition 9.1.1 , the Seller shall be entitled at its absolute discretion to refund the price of the defective goods in the event that such price shall already have been paid by the Purchaser to the Seller , or , if such price has not been so paid , to relieve the Purchaser of all obligation to pay the same by the issue of a credit note in favour of the Purchaser in the amount of such price .
19 They were there to demand fair play in the allocation of housing and jobs ; he was not the enemy of the counter-demonstrators and NICRA had people of all religions demanding the same social justice .
20 The Institute of Terrestrial Ecology used the same parishes for a parallel study of vegetation change .
21 Evidence for 1989 found that just 7% of married women earned the same as or more than their husbands ( Women and Employment : a lifetime perspective OPCS/HMSO 1984 ) .
22 Magnum/Mayall/Nelson 's ( 1985 ) study of American employers ' use of temporary workers used the same " on-off " break in conducting its analysis .
23 A hairdressing business and a manufacturer of armoured tanks have the same profit objective , but radically different objects .
24 Personal selling involves the use of face-to-face exchanges to achieve the same ends of attracting attention and achieving sales .
25 In the event , the actual redistribution of 1918 came as something of a disappointment , for although there was redistribution within Ireland , the overall number of Irish seats remained the same , and there was only a small increase in the number of English seats .
26 In general , two impedances satisfy equation ( 9.44 ) if the networks providing them are dual which means that the admittance of one network exhibits the same frequency dependence as the impedance of the other .
27 It used to be common for agreements for the supply of crude oil to do the same , but these have gone out of fashion in recent years with the volatility of oil prices : they may reappear if the oil price settles down .
28 NBT audiences are ‘ not content to look at rows and rows of identical girls doing the same thing , ’ he maintains .
29 Similarly , in relation to a whole range of competitors , studies of particular industries tell the same story : Britain 's labour costs per hour were low but when these are translated into labour costs per unit of output the reverse is the case [ Kravis , 1976 ; Pratten , 1976 b ; Ray , 1976 ] .
30 The court may have ordered one party 's solicitor to conduct the conveyancing ; but if not so , it would seem appropriate ( assuming the husband to be the conveyancing or transferring party ) for the husband 's solicitors , if the house is in the sole name or even if it is in the joint names of the husband and wife , to deliver to the wife 's solicitors an epitome of title consisting of a copy of the last conveyance , copy of any mortgage , copies of any documents relating to " sales-off " or other transactions affecting the property and copies of any covenants affecting the same .
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