Example sentences of "of [adj] [noun] so [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Section 3 of that Act so far as relevant provides :
2 For the social sciences have more to gain from each other than they have to lose , and the precise origin and pedigree of new findings and theories is of little importance so long as they extend and expand our understanding of the world .
3 To quote that part of this Act so far as it affects a member of a local authority may be useful .
4 One or two stretch the notion of individual guilt so far that they embark on self-mutilation .
5 We biologists have assimilated the idea of genetic evolution so deeply that we tend to forget that it is only one of many possible kinds of evolution .
6 Nevertheless , both Weber and the interactionists did think it was possible to produce causal explanations of human behaviour so long as an understanding of meanings formed part of those explanations .
7 Of course , this does not rule out the use of naturalistic facts so long as an objective notion of validity is employed — the validity of inductive inference could turn on features of the context in which it is carried out , or the perceptual apparatus of the reasoner .
8 Governor Clinton , in other words , is a man who could well be accused of wanting power so badly that he is , quite literally , prepared to kill for it .
9 Most of them arose as a result of an all-Russian phenomenon in 1922 — the lack of co-ordination and exchange of information between the centre and the localities , together with nonchalant neglect of provincial problems so long as they did not affect central political issues .
10 In much the same vein , one LEA considered recently a draft of a newsletter to parents outlining the implication of those rights so far as a child 's education in their early years was concerned .
11 If Irish industry is indeed managing its 17 000 out of 20 000 tonnes production of toxic wastes so efficiently that it pollutes neither land nor water then Ireland ought , by right , to become top European advisor on wastes handling .
12 the Crown is not bound to take the advice of a particular Ministry to put its subjects to the tumult and turmoil of a series of general elections so long as it can find other Ministers who are prepared to give it a trial .
13 As you know Mr Mayor , we are inside the chamber , do n't believe in spending any more than is absolutely necessary in any part of any budget so rather than spend any extra money we are proposing an extra twenty thousand be taken out of the public conveniences budget .
14 As discussed in Chapter 1 , certain classes of sellers , mainly receivers and liquidators , do take advantage of the provisions of s 12 ( 3 ) of the SGA or s 2(3) of the SGSA to pass only such title as they may have in the goods , subject to disclosure of known encumbrances , and a warranty of quiet possession so far as they are concerned .
15 Borrowing is looked upon as a natural part of everyday life so long as it is kept within bounds .
16 Borrowing is looked upon as a natural part of everyday life so long as it is kept within bounds .
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