Example sentences of "of [adv] [v-ing] [noun] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It is in Africa and India that one can still find patients ravaged by the late complications of syphilis , gonorrhoea , and lymphogranuloma venereum , and any hopes of eventually controlling levels of infection will almost certainly depend on paramedical or ‘ barefoot ’ doctors ’ playing a larger role .
2 Finally , I shall , largely by reference to these two Acts , share with you some thoughts about the problems of successfully translating policies into practice .
3 The final part of my paper concerns the difficulties of successfully translating policies into practice .
4 The same applies to fulfilling the goal , worthwhile in itself to many , of merely having men in space .
5 The use of naturally occurring sugars in milk , honey and fruit resulted in cavities occurring at different positions to those in modern teeth ( Moore and Corbett 1971 ) .
6 Although the offence of having sexual intercourse with a girl under 16 has the advantage of not requiring proof of lack of consent , it carries a maximum penalty of just two years ’ imprisonment .
7 So that although the theoretical presuppositions of traditional literary criticism are very different from Derrida 's , the student of literature is likely to recognize his strategy of not taking texts at face value .
8 The poem , which many sports people have adopted as a sort of anthem , also advises on ‘ keeping one 's head while all around are losing theirs ’ , of not giving way to hate or dealing in lies .
9 The developments that we have seen vindicate the policy of not doing deals with hostage takers .
10 This project will develop ways of automatically adding information about word meaning to computer readable texts .
11 Playing time is longer about one hour of straight playing time per side — but random access is less accurate .
12 Ought we not rather to think in terms of partially intersecting views of context ?
13 His spare-time activities during these years resulted in various patents , including one from 1931 concerning the Baird TV system and one in 1933 for the variable density technique of optically recording sound on film .
14 In other words , instead of almost doubling year by year , last we are about the same , we have n't got all the confirmations , we 're about the same as we were the year before , give or take a few , about say five percent .
15 It was shown above ( cf. ( 45 ) ) that watch can only evoke a process of voluntarily laying hold of sense data by means of visual perception .
16 Such measures take into account society 's expectations of steadily rising standards of living , which also affect those living in poverty .
17 It is certainly true that , in most applications , some records are processed far more frequently than others , and a number of commonly occurring distributions of update frequency are examined below .
18 All the weeks of reluctantly keeping Yanto at bay , plus having her hand on a male sexual organ for the first time in her twenty five years of life , was too much for Molly .
19 erm If you further make things difficult from the point of view of actually banning imports of timber from Uganda you may in fact be able .
20 Of course that is n't all that 's involved in doing physics , not at all — there are other aspects of actually having ideas about physics , but in the time they will see some pattern emerging within that experiment .
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