Example sentences of "of [pron] be [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The most important union for farm workers in England is the National Union of Agricultural and Allied Workers ( NUAAW ) which has a membership of approximately 90000 , three-quarters of whom are employed on the land .
2 This story runs parallel with that of a bank robbery which is being planned for 14th July by a group of petty criminals , some of whom are employed on the building site for the new hotel .
3 In order to be accepted as a Safe-Buy approved supplier , firms must prove through their accounting system that they are financially sound ; they must prove they hold proper current insurances ; they must supply a list of recent customers , at lest 12 of whom are contacted by the Safe-Buy team and asked about their satisfaction with their recent home improvement ; finally , further checks are made on the company through the relevant consumer protection associations to ensure that the applicants reputation is untarnished .
4 Hewlett Packard and Apricot , both of whom are going with the Aldus/Microsoft package , are rather more conservative and reckon perhaps 15 to 20 each .
5 In some cases , certainly , it is the result of a free choice on the part of individuals , most of whom are concentrated in the higher social classes where financial security , other than through earned income , is common .
6 This applies especially to the life of the more affluent , most of whom are concentrated in the advanced societies .
7 Two novels of the 1720s point the contrast in public attitudes to the American colonies of the two countries in an odd way : the Abbé Prévost 's Manon Lescaut and Daniel Defoe 's Moll Flanders are about prostitutes , both of whom are transported to the new world , but Manon dies from exposure in the arms of her faithful des Grieux after walking six miles from New Orleans , while Moll Flanders settles down with her fifth husband to reckon her net worth in cash and tobacco before returning from Virginia to London .
8 from this point on , Spencer Stuart became a genuinely international firm owned by its own consultants ( none of whom may hold more than 2% of the stock ) and managed by a Chairman and a Chief Executive , each of whom is elected to the position for a defined period .
9 Joseph and Ann had six children , none of whom is named in the will .
10 They had three daughters , none of whom was connected with the family business .
11 It has peacocks , which like to sit on the seats when visitors are scarce , a compound with a few docile wild animals in , a small lake , a free-standing part of a Gothic cloister from the ruined abbey of Saint-Sever-de-Rustan which was removed and re-erected here , and , if you can find them among the shrubbery , busts of two French poets , one of whom was born in the town while the other went to school here : the native was the arch Romantic Théophile Gautier , whose bust in the Jar din Massey was sculpted by his exotic daughter Judith , the outsider Jules Laforgue , the strange , consumptive young poet who so influenced T. S. Eliot and died at twenty-seven .
12 They radioed that , at the Bunbeg bus turn-about and taxi stand on the Glen Road , they had seen a man with a revolver accompanied by two other men , one of whom was looking at the nearby mountain through binoculars .
13 It was full of knights , one of whom was dying in the arms of a fair maiden .
14 Despite its voluntary redundancy programmes , total employment for the year was up about 3,500 people , some 3,050 of whom were gained through the infilling acquisitions the company regularly makes .
15 In all 79 competitors completed the event but the day belonged to the juniors — four of whom were placed in the top ten .
16 The answer lies in part in the social position of the reformers who belonged to the professional rather than the employing middle class : they were social workers , teachers , social scientists , philosophers , clerics , doctors , and psychologists , the majority of whom were distanced from the realities of the labour-market .
17 The Wokingham Blacks grew in number and audacity , local sheriffs were met with silence from the locals , many of whom were related to the gang , while others were fed and clothed by them .
18 This , as Economist journalists discovered , proved to be a highly unorthodox meeting , as two outsiders , neither of whom were bound by the Privy Counsellor 's oath of confidentiality , were in attendance : ‘ Chaired by Mrs Thatcher , [ the meeting ] was attended , unusually , for part of the time , by two outsiders : Sir John Cuckney , Westland 's chairman … and Mr Marcus Agius , a director of Lazard 's , Westland 's financial advisers . ’
19 Many did not , however , and charges were dropped against 30 other officers , most of whom were implicated in the cover-up rather than the massacre itself .
20 I gazed with contempt upon my peers , all of whom were listening to the Eagles and drinking Bucks Fizz .
21 It fielded 325 official candidates ( not one of whom was a woman ) and supported some 40 independents , several of whom were adopted by the party during the course of the campaign .
22 A network of conspirators was created in Vietnam , but probably more important was the training of potential leaders , many of whom were enrolled in the Whampoa Military Academy , staffed largely by members of the Soviet Military Mission led by General Galen .
23 Large-scale industrialization and urbanization were bad enough as far as most Basque Nationalists were concerned ; even worse was the descent upon their homeland of tens of thousands of ‘ Spanish ’ immigrant workers , many of whom were affiliated to the Socialist UGT .
24 The World Bank has admitted that many of the projects it funded in Brazil during the 1970s and 80s resulted in massive environmental degradation and the eviction of over 100,000 poor farmers and their families , many of whom were forced into the shanty-towns of major cities .
25 Dr Crockett , Mr Michael Bewick , a leading kidney transplant surgeon , and Mr Michael Joyce , a urologist at Guy 's Hospital , deny professional misconduct over their involvement in transplanting kidneys from four living Turks , all of whom were paid for the organs .
26 It is just six months since Lam and Timo Tagaloa , both of whom were included in the current All Black trials , wore the blue of Western Samoa with such distinction in the World Cup .
27 They were organized into fourteen sections , each under the command of a captain and a sergeant-major , both of whom were chosen by the municipal council from amongst the most important landowners in the region .
28 The most important field of study was that of courtly behaviour and manners so that the attention of everyone was focused round the king , prince or prelate .
29 Again , there was a problem of a ticket barrier , but this time someone in front of me was arguing with the inspector so I was able to pass unhindered .
30 Certain parts of me were defined by the grass that I dented with my feet or the cushion that I hollowed with my back and had an identity both in time and space ; but the breasts and cunt he briefly fondled existed only because touched at his will and through his perception of them .
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