Example sentences of "of [noun] a [noun sg] [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 Legally an income of £40 a year rendered a freeholder liable to take up knighthood , but as a result of inflation £120 was now desirable to support the dignity .
2 It must not rely on the measurement of subjective impressions such as the number of times a child annoyed a parent ; it must be concerned with observable behaviour .
3 His appearance compelled the kind of attention a mouse gives a snake : in his late thirties , he looked shrivelled and ageless , anxious and ill .
4 At moments of crisis a nation needs a leader able to lead in the way Margaret Thatcher led then .
5 In fact , it could be said that the only women these days who sport one single fragrance , all the time , are those famous glamour-pusses — Joan Collins , Elizabeth Taylor , Paloma Picasso , and so on — who are paid several millions of dollars a year to endorse a ‘ signature ’ scent , on condition they never allow gossipy fellow lunchers in smart restaurants to get an illicit whiff of ‘ Chanel No 5 ’ as they swan by .
6 It may save you a lot of time a lot bother a lot of marks .
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