Example sentences of "of [noun] on the same [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The archbishop of Besançon was summoned through the bishop of Langres ( an intentional slight ) for allowing papal messengers to be captured ; the bishop of Speyer on the same grounds and also for sending one messenger to the gallows ; the archbishop of Tarentaise for crowning Philip ; and the bishop of Passau , who had probably been the draughtsman of the Staufen protest , had a long series of charges brought against him — he had not delivered two million marks to the king of Hungary , he had not paid back the money given him by Richard I for his release — indeed , his crimes were so great , the letter said , that he could have been punished without trial .
2 It is possible to plot the relationship between a number of variables on the same graph .
3 Customs manufactured before the humbucking age feature two sorts of pickup on the same guitar : a P90 by the bridge , and an Alnico by the neck — a really old-fashioned looking thing , with huge great rectangular polepieces .
4 Control Techniques , one of Wales ' home-grown success stories , turned in pre-tax profits of £3.7m to March , a leap of £2.1m on the same period in 1992 .
5 On a pure labour law test , on the other hand , it might be said that the fact that the employees were doing the same kind of work on the same machines should be enough to amount to a transfer of a business .
6 Danvers , Massachusetts-based PictureTel Corp is cutting prices on its M-8000 bridge product family : it says it will offer a fully H.320 version of its M-8000 Multipoint Bridge starting at $45,000 for the M-8600 with three ports : the M-8600 is for customers with only a few videoconferencing systems and limited requirements for linking a large number of sites on the same call ; the H.320 standards-compliant version will ship in the autumn .
7 Stop at the other side of town on the same road , the Dublin road , I think ? ’
8 In Thai cookery , none of these ingredients is used alone ; indeed one of its special tricks is to offer a spectrum of variations on the same flavour .
9 Low-rise blocks of flats on the same estate squat on scabby scraps of grass , a minefield of dogshit and broken glass , unused even by the army of under-fives who live there .
10 Competition between different providers of trains on the same route will not work , they say .
11 Mr Knightley 's defective sociability , Mr Darcy 's pride , and the absurd arrogance of Sir Walter Elliot mark different degrees of frost on the same scale .
12 Where Newco acquires the business and assets directly , then prima facie the Transfer of Undertakings ( Protection of Employment ) Regulations 1981 will " preserve " employees ' contracts of employment on the same terms and conditions , with Newco becoming the new employer .
13 Both of these are derived from the performance of large numbers of children on the same test .
14 Newspapers received phone calls to the effect that the shooting was the work of the left-wing Dev-Sol group , which also claimed responsibility for killing a policeman in the southern town of Adana on the same day .
15 Compare its treatment of an Italian theme with that of Nescafé on the same territory .
16 Recently , Sir John Thomas 's group from the Royal Institution , London , has used an instrumental arrangement at Daresbury that allowed them to capture both types of information on the same sample while it was actually undergoing a chemical change .
17 What worried me in looking at the Franks Report is that it was the same group of ministers on the same committee that were dealing with the big issues of war and peace in Middle Europe , with the procurement of nuclear weapons systems .
18 Rather than tending to achieve constantly a similar grade or mark ( whether a low of a high one ) on tests with ever higher standards , they will constantly be increasing their own level of attainment on the same scale of levels .
19 How lucky they were , she thought ; secure in each other 's affection and presumably fortified in increasing age by the certainty that if they were n't granted the grace of death on the same day there would be no lasting separation .
20 This was equalled in March with a gain of 45% on the same month last year .
21 This was equalled in March with a gain of 45% on the same month last year .
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