Example sentences of "of [noun] [to-vb] [pers pn] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Oldfield 's marriage lasted for just two weeks , requiring lawyers and a large sum of money to bring it to a conclusion satisfactory to the bride .
2 Operational deposits make up approximately a fifth of bankers ' balances held at the bank , the remainder being made up of non-interest bearing cash deposits that banks are required to keep at the Bank of England to provide it with an income .
3 His election on three separate occasions as MP for Middlesex in 1768–69 , and the repeated refusals of the House of Commons to admit him as a member , did much to stimulate in London the current of political radicalism which was later to run so strongly there .
4 It needs a huge injection of cash to equip it with a fully computerised national IT system , more and better trained staff and commercially experienced management .
5 For when he seeks a particular type of person to assist him in a particular way , he can be assured that the recruitment professional will not waste his time or energy in introducing unsuitable candidates for consideration , but that he will be given details of only the right sort of person for the required position .
6 They grow up unbalanced , and need only minor frustrations or the stimulus of pornography to tip them into an orgy of violence against women and girls .
7 Whatever the meaning for those twelve disciples on that short mission ( and the Spirit may well have come upon them temporarily as he did upon the Old Testament of God to equip them for a special purpose ) , it is hard to mistake the shadow this event casts towards the time of the Church , when men sent out by Jesus ( ‘ sent one' is the root meaning of the word ‘ apostle ’ ) would be equipped by the Spirit given them by Jesus , for carrying out Jesus ' own mission in the world .
8 This solid , reliable book has a number of features to recommend it as a starting point in the discovery of Picasso , not least the interesting thematic chronological charts which cover topics such as ‘ Stages in the discovery and appropriation of primitivism ’ e.g. ‘ Autumn 1906 , Derain and Matisse return to Paris , each having acquired his first African mask ’ , and ‘ Stages of the revolution in papier colles ’ .
9 But , Himmelfarb ( 1968 p 78 ) argued , its designer was not concerned by the building 's intrinsic potential for despotic control : " To Bentham … if it was in the interest of society to confine them in a Panopticon , to subject them to an absolute master , to exploit their labor … [ then ] it was necessary and proper that all this be done .
10 At the end of April 1973 I went to see the King of Morocco to tell him about a plot to kill him .
11 Normally the brain continually pools these complimentary sources of information to provide you with a relatively complete experience .
12 Many have thus latched on to Oakeshott 's use of tradition to identify him as a Burkean conservative .
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