Example sentences of "of [noun] [to-vb] [adv] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This demonstrates once again the sensitivity of the conclusions to the choice of taxes to make up the rest of the package .
2 It is difficult to see this changing dramatically in spite of attempts to build up the position of the NHS Management Executive and timely clarifications of its role and relationships with the Policy Board , chaired by the Secretary of State .
3 There is a danger , however , that lack of preparation to hand over the business and eventual retirement could cause problems but this will be discussed later .
4 That changes how women feel about themselves and generates a web of activities to pick up the pieces kept hidden when pain is kept private .
5 Much time was spent in the formulation of rules to lay down the alignments and éaulements which would best display each movement from the audience 's point of view .
6 Both the bid for Channel Five and plans for the new Teleport to be operated at South Gyle , carrying signals for both Television and Telecommunications via satellite , cable and fibre optic lines , are well advanced and require the continued integration of technologies to carry on the task of promoting Edinburgh as a centre of excellence in the new media .
7 LIFFE was aware of plans to set up the DTB , and moved quickly to pre-empt its business in German long interest rates .
8 It took the squadron all the remaining hours of daylight to clean up the airfield .
9 A wise precaution was to send out a party equipped with bundles of brushwood to sweep away the tracks leading to the encampment .
10 And having spoken to her on Saturday when she came along to the energy conservation stall I intend to invite her if it 's alright with the meeting to our next meeting which is on the ninth of February to discuss how the Greens can help how the University Greens can help us with that demonstration .
11 Isabella now sent Henry of Lancaster to the lordship of Glamorgan to hunt down the king and the younger Despenser .
12 However , I believe that with a bit of determination to do so the majors can find a way of opening more of their catalogues to US buyers and make a bit more money in the process .
13 There were signs of reluctance to take seriously the need for revival of activity at the local level to overthrow apprenticeship before its due term under the act of 1833 .
14 Codetermination — the right of workers to help direct the firms they work in was a major preoccupation of German trade unions in the years after the war ( chapter 6 ) .
15 No doubt it would not be beyond the wit of nature to join up the cellulose molecules sideways with primary chemical bonds so that it would be thoroughly tied together and would have much the same strength in every direction .
16 ‘ No thanks , ’ he replied , his face as long as a landslide , ‘ I once went to the House of Commons to see how the country was run .
17 His premature death opened the way for John Fothergill , an engineer and the first of five generations of Fothergills to head up the Tilery Bank business , to take over .
18 In particular , Hogwood and Gunn ( 1984 ) cite five types of limitation to explain why the opportunities for rational decision making are limited :
19 A.K. Chesterton , the ex-BUF propagandist , became so carried away by the effect of his anti-semitic diatribe that he ended his speech by advocating the use of lamp-posts to string up the Jews .
20 And we 've , each time we had someone of importance to bring in the people .
21 Cosmas is burnt to death in his bed ; Damien killed by a mysterious archer who apparently can pass through thick walls , but there 's no clue to the riddle , no sign of the Templars and not a shred of evidence to indicate where the Grail or Excalibur lie . ’
22 The Australians produced an impressive array of statistics to explain why the Pearl was underperforming and how it was losing market share .
23 We were welcomed by a woman vice-chairman of the commune , who made a long and formal speech giving lots of statistics to show how the commune had improved its production in line with Chairman Mao 's directives , and how the Gang of Four had tried to tamper with agricultural production .
24 By the last decade of Edward III 's reign it had become customary for the contracts of service to specify how the gains of war were to be divided .
25 You do n't have to remember all of them , cos if you remember one you just need a little bit of maths to work out the others .
26 In spite of efforts to speed up the operation — the planned four-week courses run by Portuguese and British training officers for soldiers in the new army were , for example , cut to two weeks — by Sept. 28 only 8,800 soldiers had received training and were ready to be sworn in as members of the new force .
27 Authorises the Accountant of Court to deliver up the petitioner 's Bond of Caution .
28 It costs thousands of pounds to draw up the documentation .
29 Simon ( 4.2 ) was bringing a bucket of water to wash down the paint easels .
30 Many who had no belief , I among that number , packed into the house of God to hang on the words of his servant .
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