Example sentences of "of [noun] [verb] [adv prt] to the " in BNC.

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1 For example ideas about more homely living environments can be traced to the early part of this century ( Roosens , 1979 ) , a concern with nature and form of assessment harks back to the Charity Organisation Society ( Sainsbury , 1989 ) , co-ordination of care was stressed in the Seebohm report and has featured in most subsequent discussions ( Cmnd. 3703 ; DHSS , 1982 ) and the need for planned hospital discharge has featured in critiques of the mental health services ( Cmnd. 6244 ; Jones , 1988 ) .
2 In Bohemia especially , with its long tradition of industrialisation stretching back to the 1830s , where there has always been a strong commitment to the idea of social equality , where the call for national equality against the Germans had a strong social context , it 's quite logical that some kind of socialist or social thought will in the end prevail .
3 Lorryloads of blooms rolled up to the Bel Air mansion where Liz , 60 , lay in bed , surrounded by her doctors .
4 As a matter of principle , the bank in such circumstances should not be entitled to rely on the transaction and this is the view which has been taken by a series of authorities going back to the beginning of this century .
5 The work of solicitors goes back to the 15th century and as time has gone on they have become increasingly influential .
6 Set on a hilltop , the old town is surrounded by seven rows of ramparts leading up to the bastion and cathedral at the summit .
7 Joe always made sure there were a couple of swings rigged up to the spreaded branches for the children to enjoy .
8 This of course harks back to the much older debate about whether memories can be localized — something I 'll come back to later , ; much of the next two chapters will be taken up with the question of the localization of memory in space and time .
9 Erm , er , now of course to get back to the ambulance erm if somebody comes out of an epileptic fit and goes immediately back into another one , then you must call an ambulance , it takes so much from the person , it takes so much energy that the person ca n't possible go into one fit after another , erm without showing some affects and therefore you would have to get them to hospital , if you do n't and they have two or three fits one after another they can die , so they must go to hospital .
10 ‘ The concept of TQM dates back to the postwar period when a tried to persuade corporate heads that business should become service driven . ’
11 There were hundreds of ropes going down to the stage below — it was a long , long way down .
12 Cash floats , which are the set sums of money handed out to the restaurants and bars in order to provide them with change to start the day 's business , are checked , ready for collection by the departmental heads .
13 Jess kicked out , catching the handle of his tankard so that a puddle of porter slopped on to the counter .
14 Won agreements to end the dumping of chemical sludges in to the North Sea .
15 The vineyards of Bergères-les-Vertus are largely an extension of the lower slopes of Vertus reaching down to the southern tip of the Côte des Blancs .
16 But what one chiefly saw was a landscape patterned by the long lines of vine running up to the wooded hilltops , a supremely domesticated landscape .
17 Vision is a response to changing values in the intensity and wavelengths of light reflected on to the retina of our eye and transmitted to our brain by our optic nerves for decoding and interpretation .
18 It was market day and the wide curving flight of steps leading up to the centre was lined with flimsy tables covered in kitchenware and watches and clothing and tools and toys Music blared out from a stall selling bootleg cassette tapes .
19 The Doctor looked back from the short flight of steps leading down to the entry hall , and watched the TARDIS dematerialize with a feeling of pain at seeing his ship go without him .
20 The alley ended abruptly in a couple of steps leading down to the sluggish black waters of a canal .
21 Works by followers of Caravaggio lead in to the seventeenth-century section : a ‘ Salome ’ by Cecco del Caravaggio ( Scardeoni ) ; ‘ Christ among the Elders ’ by Louis Finson ( Governale ) , and an ‘ Archimedes ’ by Dirk Van Baburen ( Visconteum ) .
22 Lord Vansittart , a former Foreign Office official , had written a pamphlet entitled Black Record blaming the Germans for a record of barbarism going back to the era of the Roman Empire .
23 Drops of blood fell on to the chicken .
24 It is a smart little tag , conjuring up images of Monie bootling off to the library .
25 Tass news agency said hundreds of wagons rolled in to the southern Soviet republic bordering Turkey , three days after the Soviet parliament authorised the army to take over the railways .
26 The work of cataloguing goes back to the early years of Italian unification in the late nineteenth century when the first photographs were taken of archaeological sites and of celebrated pictures and monuments .
27 The four sets of parents went in to the Panel separately , although they were to be treated as one case .
28 The Shah had made a showplace of his country with his colossal purchasing of weapons , and look what it had all come to : ‘ If you drive from Shiraz to Isfahan even today you 'll see hundreds of helicopters parked off to the right of the highway .
29 Well , I will have you know that the office of coroner dates back to the twelfth century , before civil servants were thought of !
30 As they passed through the town of Isserre , spots of rain spat on to the windscreen .
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