Example sentences of "of [noun] [verb] [adv] on [art] " in BNC.

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1 I turn to see Lord Archer of Weston-super-Mare standing theatrically on the mezzanine above , barking into a mobile phone .
2 A good deal of responsibility rests therefore on the local authority and the councillors to deal properly and fairly with any complaint , or finding by the commissioner .
3 Since the purchasing power of a given sum of money depends inversely on the price level , there will be a direct relationship between the price level and the nominal demand for money .
4 Other differences flow from the fact that whereas the rights of shareholders depend mainly on the provision of the company 's articles , which will have been drafted in the interests of the company , those of debentureholders depend upon the terms of a contract between lender and borrower and its terms will have to be acceptable to the lender .
5 By the time we have adequate records , the craft guild can be seen emerging from the lodge of craftsmen working together on a project .
6 Kosi left her plastic beaker of tea steaming gently on the nearest flat surface while she and Lars headed for the centre of the room .
7 Perhaps more importantly the Merseyside Crime Survey ( MCS ) showed clearly that the impact of crime fell disproportionately on the elderly and the poor :
8 Thousands of bats squirmed hideously on the ceilings .
9 High exhaustivity tends to be a feature of databases indexed automatically on the basis of the text of the document .
10 Customs of inheritance differed sharply on a regional basis , and the distribution of wealth , castles , fiefs and allodial holdings was uneven .
11 As a result , the evidence for this second stage in the history of marriage depends entirely on the two assumptions which we have already noted .
12 When Elizabeth of England died early on the morning of 24 March 1603 it had already become obvious to her entourage that James VI of Scotland was her only possible successor .
13 The amount of banknotes issued by the Bank of England depends largely on the demand for notes from the general public .
14 The Venetian author of the Italian Relation of England commented specifically on the English sense of national pride , and presumably was thinking of attitudes which he encountered generally and not merely the point of view of the more literate : ' … the English are great lovers of themselves and everything belonging to them ; they think that there are no other men than themselves , and no other world but England ; and whenever they see a handsome foreigner , they say ‘ he looks like an Englishman ’ ' ( 35 , pp.20–1 ) .
15 Now it was dark , and the smell of lager hung heavily on the air .
16 Rather , the authority of law rested solely on the fact that it was promulgated by the authorized ruler .
17 Children eyed the closed Essoldo ; a handful of golfers moved briskly on the golf-course .
18 A different , and in some respects more constructive , approach adopted by some international lawyers ( especially Cassese , 1979 ) points to the weakness in terms of effective enforcement of a prohibition of weapons based only on the argument that they can not be used without violation of the general principles of the humanitarian law of war .
19 As the years passed , a rabbi from the New York yeshiva was imported to instruct the Reichmanns ' children in a rigorous six-day schedule of studies based largely on the Talmud .
20 Particularly in connection with Bacon and Gassendi , we have seen how , in opposition to it , there began to develop a conception of ‘ natural philosophy ’ ; a body of knowledge based firmly on the experienced facts of experiment and observation , rather than on the intellectual strait-jacket of the logic and categories of Aristotelianism .
21 What imagination anywhere could not respond to the image of strangers galloping hard on a moonswept night towards such high turrets ?
22 As Magee tugged it free a large lump of bone came away on the end of the knife .
23 This is not an easy dilemma to resolve and most community education projects have sought to provide both types of education based usually on a liberal , reformist view of education and social change .
24 Above all , his teaching about his own role in the purposes of God depends entirely on the conviction that he must fulfil the Old Testament .
25 The quality of printout depends mainly on the type of paper used , the more absorbent it is the more the ink soaks in and the image blurs .
26 Because the forms of bodies depended entirely on the will of God , it was impious , as well as impossible , to construct a science of nature based on preconceived opinion .
27 Cromwell destroyed that liberty : he appointed twenty-seven fit and proper persons — schoolmasters , lawyers , ministers of religion , doctors ( the sort of people found nowadays on the regulatory bodies for broadcasting and video ) to censor public reading .
28 We came across a small party of people sitting innocently on a rock enjoying the sunshine .
29 The rate of growth of capital depends however on the level of savings ( on the equilibrium path , planned savings are equal to planned investment ) ; and whether or not there is convergence to steady state rests on the properties of the savings function .
30 There is no evidence that the Ministry of Works spent more on the public sewers than on the helpless , but they can scarcely have expended less money or effort on them .
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