Example sentences of "of [noun] [verb] [prep] the other " in BNC.

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1 ( 5 ) The number of experts appointed by the other bodies is very
2 Edmund Wilson and Cyril Connolly were as ready to talk of Ovid as of the memoirs of Ulysses S. Grant , and indeed ready to illuminate the one by shafts of light thrown from the other
3 ‘ We aim to do a lot of mobile meandering across the other countries of the Continent , further visits to the USA and of course to many other corners of this country , ’ said Roy .
4 Aside from abolition of exchange controls by the other major economies , the Government insists that Britain 's inflation rate be brought more in line with that of her trading partners , before Britain takes the ERM plunge .
5 When they had scraped and gouged all the fat from the buffalo 's hide , Jacques Devraux showed the others how to rub in arsenical soap to repel the hordes of flies that would otherwise blow on it , and gradually the pungent reek of arsenic mingled with the other rank odours of human sweat and animal fat hanging in the saturated air .
6 1 This farmer has to get his dog , a duck and a bag of corn to market on the other side of the river .
7 The range of distances found for the other four molecules is given in parentheses .
8 but there is that level and kind of education provided in the other Colleges of Further Education , and likewise it would not affect them either , so I do n't think we 're talking about necessarily a major part of the sixth form provision in the county .
9 From the gauzy film of ginger hair which covers his scalp but fails to conceal it , to his gleaming Doc Martens , Harry is designed to make anyone who has even the smallest stake in the present scheme of things cross to the other side of the street .
10 After a review of its operation in 1977 it became clear that only a minority of patients referred from the other hospitals were being successfully rehabilitated and that St Wulstan 's had become another long-stay hospital .
11 He cites ‘ melodramatic ’ , ‘ stagey ’ , ‘ theatrical ’ , ‘ play-acting ’ , ‘ putting on an act ’ , ‘ putting on a performance ’ , ‘ making a scene ’ , ‘ making a spectacle of oneself ’ , ‘ playing to the gallery ’ , and compares the implied hostility of such expressions with the more approving tones of terms derived from the other arts : ‘ harmonious ’ , ‘ symmetrical ’ , ‘ graphic ’ , ‘ shapely ’ , ‘ well-balanced ’ , ‘ poetic ’ , ‘ in accord ’ , ‘ in unison ’ , ‘ in concert ’ , ‘ chime in with ’ , ‘ in tune with ’ .
12 Without the volume and geographical spread of games offered by the other 70 Football League clubs , the channel would be a non-starter .
13 This is seen as essential to FTC 's plans for a 24-hour channel devoted exclusively to football because of the volume and geographical spread of games offered by the other 70 Football League clubs .
14 Moreover , verbs that involve the same primitive automatically have the same case frame , eliminating the duplication of effort seen with the other approaches .
15 A final subsection consolidates the analysis by emphasising a number of points raised by the other authors .
16 The second kind of cause lies in the other part of our inheritance — the treatment we receive as our personalities form in childhood .
17 This is to be compared with the amount of information transmitted in the other two exercises .
18 A knot of men stood on the other side of the broad avenue as he walked through the gate .
19 They both laughed , and Juliet felt a bond of affection growing for the other girl .
20 The lesson to be drawn is that the impact of debt depends on the other instruments open to the government , a point that is brought out even more clearly in the life-cycle model .
21 ‘ Below us lay the winding valley of the Onny , with the dense woods of Plowden rising on the other side .
22 The number of students involved in the other IT subject areas varied — between 3 and 6 per cent in any one subject .
23 The block of paranoia sitting at the other end of the table minutely shifted shape .
24 The case is now strong enough for the weight of interest to shift to the other dimension of interpretation .
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