Example sentences of "of [noun] [verb] [prep] [art] [det] " in BNC.

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1 An ‘ edition ’ of a book is the whole number of copies printed from the same setting of type .
2 Or was the way they engaged with these theoretical explanations of racism governed by the same conditions as applied to their reading of the ‘ primary ’ material ?
3 Yoma 's former husband Ibrahim al Ibrahim , appointed by Menem as Chief of Customs at Buenos Aires international airport , along with a former government official , Mario Caserta , had also been accused of drug laundering in the same report .
4 Much of the variation in the items is indeed directly related to their use , but the variability in the design of objects destined for the same function may point to socio-cultural differences .
5 The sense of smell operates in the same way in all mammals , including us .
6 Examples included too many groups of activities running at the same time and an emphasis on individual work which could not be sustained in sufficient depth for all the children in the class .
7 This is achieved by adjusting the spacing between the words and characters as necessary so that each line of text finishes at the same point .
8 Each domain-dictionary achieved its highest z-score when used in the recognition of text taken from the same domain .
9 Between 1974 and 1979 I had become concerned with the number of investigations conducted in a few States where , despite representations from properly appointed accredited representatives , the findings in the final reports were clearly less than satisfactory .
10 The main opposition parties , the Union pour la democratie française ( UDF ) , a coalition of groups led by the former Prime Minister Giscard d'Estaing , and the Rassemblement pour la République ( RPR ) , the Gaullist party led by Chirac , have very similar and , in comparison with British party-political programmes , not very detailed , manifestos .
11 So we should like to see an authoritative source of comparative APRs : both typical rates and the extremes of the range of rates , for different types of credit and ( where this makes a significant difference ) different types of purchase financed by the same type of credit .
12 But now the club have found that on applying for renewal of permission to play at the same venue next season , the pitch has already been allocated .
13 Germany agreed to suspend its claims for the payment of debts incurred by the former Soviet Union to former East Germany until the year 2000 , while in exchange Russia abandoned all claims for compensation for Soviet military property and installations in former East Germany .
14 On 5 April , a set of fissures opened in the same place , and showers of incandescent fragments of lava were ejected .
15 The fact that a wide number of manufacturers work to the same pattern means that the caterer who is topping up need not return to the same source for the top-up .
16 Mailer 's novel has as its running theme the notion of ‘ Alpha ’ and ‘ Omega ’ — two states of mind coexisting in the same person .
17 Forlani , 66 , had on May 17 withdrawn his candidacy for the presidency after up to 60 members of parties participating in the former ruling coalition , including many DC deputies , had failed to vote for him in the fifth , sixth and seventh rounds .
18 An intervention with a low probability of harm given to millions can do more damage than one with a high probability of harm given to a few
19 The result of this process is a discrimination tree , any of whose sub-trees contain a set of words beginning with the same phonemic description .
20 part of the yard of the Fleet Prison , so called because of a series of murals painted by a former prisoner .
21 Although Cheetham walked away with packets of dosh and has taken over Weidenfeld , his new list of authors relies on the same tired ( and expensive ) formula of ‘ star ’ novelists , which ultimately bores the reader and spoils the cash flow .
22 These dances mattered very much to Petipa and all nineteenthcentury balletmasters because they were expected to show off the wealth of talent found in the many imperial , Royal and State theatres , e.g. all the characters from other fairy tales who came to Aurora 's wedding and the character dances in Swan Lake .
23 Table 3.4 shows how many they employed over the course of the project , together with the number of clients held at the same time .
24 From all directions people were still pouring out of the maze of the Old City and heading towards one of the three gates of the Jama Masjid — three seething crocodiles of humanity heading towards the same walled courtyard .
25 I just want to tell you , time I done that done that on a number of spreadsheets compared with the same label on one , on one
26 The state of siege imposed at the same time was , however , extended by 30 days by a vote of the legislative assembly on Feb. 8 .
27 Not infrequently , of course , the two attitudes or sets of circumstances exist in the same family .
28 By being doctrinaire and parochial , it is easy to have a whole host of companies competing in the same home market ; but how many will be effective ( or even in business ) in ten years ' time ?
29 Cunningham-Burley ( 1985 ) found a rather similar pattern in a piece of work conducted around the same time in Scotland .
30 One of the major achievements of the journeymen in the nineteenth century had been to succeed in having both kinds of work paid at the same rate .
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