Example sentences of "of [noun] [verb] [adv] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The development of play leads naturally towards involvement in games , which begin in imitative practice such as tying a shoelace , and develop towards symbolic constructions such as of villages or weddings .
2 Would the great engine of progress run out of steam ?
3 The barber took a knife to the thicket , weighed it when it was off , and gave her 2½ lb of hair wrapped up in tissue paper which the nurse briskly took from her as soon as they were outside because she did n't believe in being morbid .
4 Biologists may be able to determine the shape of molecules made up of amino acid chains , thereby predicting the effect of drugs before such drugs even exist .
5 Current ideas of the structure of water visualize it as being composed of a random network of molecules linked together by hydrogen bonds ( Figure 7 ) , some of which are strained or even broken , but with a general structure not unlike that which is found in ordinary ice , also known as hexagonal ice to distinguish it from its variant form , cubic ice , which is formed at lower temperatures .
6 Water is therefore no longer seen as a simple collection of individual water molecules , but as a complex random network of molecules linked together by hydrogen bonds and forming extensive three-dimensional structures which are continually changing and reorganizing .
7 Later on that week we were talking in the library again and somehow the topic of owls came up in conversation once more .
8 These attempts represent a shift in ‘ intent ’ from left to right in the matrix of agendas shown earlier in figure 1.7 .
9 The prohibition of discrimination set out in article 7 of the E.E.C .
10 While the physically gifted and superhumanly green-fingered Daisy Gamble ( Barbra Streisand ) sings ‘ Hurry , It 's Lovely Up Here ’ , the flowers on the roof of her apartment block , mostly tulips grow at an alarming yet beautiful rate , conveying a sense of freedom brimming over with life .
11 The Slav version of this sort of thing was the complicated bundle of phenomena lumped together as panslavism .
12 LEFT Images of Uranus built up from information sent back in 1986 by Voyager 2 ; the image on the right is in false colour and extreme contrast enhancement to show details of Uranus 's polar regions .
13 To that rule there is an exception created by the Consumer Protection ( Cancellation of Contracts Concluded away from Business Premises ) Regulations I987 .
14 This provision was inserted by reg 9 of the Doorstep Selling Directive ( 85/577 ) implemented by the Consumer Protection ( Cancellation of Contracts Concluded away from Business Premises ) Regulations 1987 ( SI 1987 No 2117 ) ( as amended ) .
15 Specialization of function leads inevitably to dependency .
16 Cut to shot of stuntman falling backwards over rail to the floor .
17 Typical of the uneasy compromises that resulted was the Ten Articles of Faith laid down by convocation in 1536 .
18 A new branch of literature developed just for radio .
19 The difference between operating profit and profit before tax is of course made up of interest on non-operating items .
20 Decisions about the nature of planning will of course vary greatly from school to school , but it 's important for the head to remember that we accomplish most when the staff and children are working together .
21 It 's another of his ideas which he keeps trying to interest people in ; he has a manuscript on the subject ( ‘ The State of the Fart ’ ) which he also sends away to London to publishers now and again and which they of course send back by return .
22 It condemns us as lifelong victims of patterns set up in childhood , the unwilling prey of our devilish subconscious , the helpless captives of our ‘ character ’ or genetic make-up .
23 Sometimes it is hard to love a rebellious and rude teenager , to endure the appalling racket of pop music , to cope with disobedience and flagrant disregard of rules laid down for family life .
24 But generally the climate is comfortably warm — ideal for small children and perfect for the Spanish ritual of the paseo , the evening parade when grandmothers , mothers and their offspring , dressed up to the nines , ride their bikes , push prams , sip coffee , choose ice-creams , and gossip like a noisy flock of birds settling down before bedtime .
25 The probation service 's task in prison is primarily to provide a social work service to those imprisoned and there has always been a conflict between the day-to-day , mundane but pressing needs of prisoners cut off from family and friends , and the more reflective analytical and purposeful work related to offending behaviour in which Probation Officers wanted to engage .
26 A large sodden island of reeds lay out in mid-stream like a moored barge .
27 I have looked at the evidence of so-called student hardship and I do not accept that the ’ scores ’ of cases stand up to examination .
28 From a handful of POCs in the early Sixties , the number of cases taken up by Amnesty now stands at 42,000 of which 38,000 are now closed .
29 We have had a number of cases coming out of West Belfast .
30 Studies are providing increasing evidence that the huge quantities of topsoil blown away under drought conditions in Africa are benefiting marine life , soils and vegetation to the west , in the Atlantic Ocean and the Americas .
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