Example sentences of "the first [verb] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 My name was the first to go on the Dux board in the school hall of the brand-new , glass-walled building only just completed the year before .
2 I wonder , bearing in mind that incident , however serious , or minor it was , would you be one of the first to go through the Channel Tunnel ?
3 The two armies met at Sagrajas and the first to engage with the Christians were Motamid 's own native Spanish Moslems .
4 The first arose from the government 's decision to impose a standstill grant for that year — in effect a reduction in the District 's planned programme in the 1952–53 session at a time when much patient work to gain support from trade union branches and members had succeeded particularly in Norwich and Northamptonshire .
5 The brick was wrapped in two notes , the first apologised for the mess and the second , bearing Trevor Proby 's signature , offered to lend me the £250 the club are still trying to stitch me for after that car boot sale fiasco .
6 However , Foley 's mill was probably the first erected in the midlands , and may have been of a new design .
7 The first relates to the idea , taken from linguistic theory , that there are two main types of anaphoric expression : those that are interpreted with respect to the surface form of a text and those that are interpreted with respect to its meaning .
8 The first relates to the level of demand for the products produced .
9 The first relates to the desirability of undertaking central development work where only one college is involved .
10 The first relates to the capacity of the teacher training colleges adequately to supervise their scattered students .
11 The first relates to the provision by the buyer of jigs , tools and gauges .
12 The first relates to the power of the court : in appeal proceedings the court has the power to substitute its decision on the matters in issue for that of the body appealed from .
13 The first relates to the pricing of oil and gas supplies , the second to apportioning costs and entitlements in unitised oil and gas fields and the third to the construction of facilities .
14 The first depends on the views I have already expressed .
15 The average rank of the first hit in the sequence of words for use in forming islands was 4.8 , and the rank did not increase with sentence length …
16 Arabella Buckley was the first to recover from the shock of that strange outpouring .
17 Leamington Spa , the 17th largest society in 1990 , was the first to exit from the market via a merger after declaring a loss .
18 He was among the first to respond to the call to the colours in the 1st World War and the outcome was clear .
19 Both scientist and engineer , biologist and doctor , chemist and agriculturist may be handling the same kind of data , but where the first intervenes in the world in order to understand it , the second has to understand the world in order to intervene in it .
20 The first refers to the manner in which the tribunals interpret and apply employment legislation , though the Report recognizes that the complex language and structure of the controlling legislation contributes to the potential for legalism .
21 The agreement , the first concluded by the USA with an Asian country , was worth US$292,000,000 and cancelled all repayments up to July 1991 .
22 Despite claims made by Henry Faulds , who was the first to publish on the subject , the importance of Herschel 's contribution is generally recognized .
23 Mina was the first to leave for the fields .
24 Samsung Electronics Co 's workstation division last week introduced its SWS715 Hewlett-Packard clone workstation , one of the first to emerge onto the market .
25 He was the first to emerge from the water , partly because he had an appointment with Rose , partly because he could see Araminta leaving .
26 The first derives from the quantum theory .
27 It was a tense match with not much to choose between the two sides until Scotland scored the first try near the end of the first half .
28 The first lay in the effect it might have on teaching and learning and the second in too great a concentration of power in the hands of the government of the day and especially with one person , the Secretary of State .
29 The first lay in the fact that letters to RTD from educated people in urban areas far outnumbered those received from the less well-educated .
30 Within it lie circumpolar continental , maritime and periantarctic zones , the first bounded by the 0°C summer isotherm , the second by the northern limit of pack ice .
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