Example sentences of "the same time the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 At the same time the formation of new anti-guerrilla units and increased spending on security institutions were announced .
2 At the same time the stability of the product must also be studied by the storage of the product in inert tightly closed containers ( see controls below ) .
3 If men trained in the learned profession did not , perhaps , scale such heights in the later sixteenth century , at the same time the crossing of career lines did not come to a halt .
4 There the finite mind of man , which is but a fragment and form of the Infinite , discovers its true identity with the Absolute — and that is at the same time the return of the Absolute to itself , its own self-realisation .
5 At the same time the linking of allowances to family size encouraged feckless marriage and carefree breeding which in turn added to rural population and turned the labour market even more strongly against the rural poor .
6 a nationalism which stood upon a critique of the very idea of civil society , a movement supported by the bourgeoisie which rejected the idea of progress , the ideology of a political organisation fighting for the creation of a modern national State which accepted at the same time the ideology of ‘ enlightened anarchy ’ .
7 As these opportunities appeared , so at the same time the lines of religious party and sect hardened .
8 At the same time the Ministers of Mines and Industry , of Culture and Islamic Orientation and of Justice left the government .
9 At the same time the cost of the proposed high-speed rail link from London to the tunnel has risen nearly three-fold to £3.5bn because of environmental safeguards demanded by the Government .
10 At the same time the Secretary of State gave notice that for certain categories of crime where life sentences had been passed , the offenders could expect to spend at least 20 years in prison .
11 At the same time the question of personality is important and the most ideal candidate on paper may be unsuitable because his or her personality would make it difficult to work comfortably with the rest of the staff .
12 Yet at the same time the question of who was in charge had to be addressed , in the interests of effective planning and action , and to avoid any later confusion .
13 The Christmas dinner ( celebrated by Dickens ) , the Christmas tree ( invented in Germany , but rapidly acclimatised through royal patronage in England ) , the Christmas song — best known through the Germanic Stille Nacht — symbolised at one and the same time the cold of the outside world , the warmth of the family circle within , and the contrast between the two .
14 At the same time the expansion of fisheries in the region has increased the food supply for scavenging seabirds who live off discarded fish and fish offal .
15 Nero 's adoption of this type of official portrait was an aspect of his revival of the practice of likening the emperor to a god , a practice which had been avoided by the emperors of the previous ninety years ( see also p. 40 ) ; at the same time the choice of this particular model marks a major stage in the growing importance Nero attached to his own theatrical and musical performances which , when given in public , deeply shocked traditional Romans .
16 But over the same time the proportion of women in professional families using it remained steady .
17 With observation that the primary sufferer has not been helped by the previous well-meaning actions of the family member while at the same time the life of the family member has definitely been harmed by various attempts to help or control the disease of the primary sufferer .
18 At the same time the appetite of those few readers for books in their category will not necessarily be any smaller than that of readers in a large interest category .
19 The challenge , yet at the same time the frustration of being a musician is the ever-present feeling that , no matter what level you find yourself on , you know you could be better .
20 In an agreement signed with Amazonian gold prospectors on Jan. 9 , 1990 , under the auspices of the National Security Council , miners were granted the right to continue prospecting in three areas totalling about 686 sq km , and at the same time the reduction of the size of the Yanomami Indian reservation to 19 separate " islands " of forest was confirmed .
21 At the same time the laws on waste disposal in Germany itself are among the strictest in the world .
22 But at the same time the leadership of the organised working class has had neither the imagination nor the capacity to attempt to force a radical restructuring of the national economy on working class terms .
23 From this perspective , electoral politics were only one aspect of the struggle , and the parliamentary leaders were considered subordinate to the leadership of the mass party , which was at the same time the leadership of the class itself Conservative and liberal parties , however much they in fact represented class interests , saw themselves as parties functioning within an established social order and a system of political institutions in which parliament was supreme .
24 At the same time the actions of Theudebert and Chilperic , as well as those of the disloyal followers covered by the Treaty of Andelot , show that kings were expected to offer incentives , and we may well believe that the distribution of land and wealth was the major factor in ensuring that a king had a loyal following .
25 At around the same time the Chairman of the Panel , Philip Cooper , suddenly resigned .
26 In the same time the army of managers expanded from 700 to 13,200 , the Health Department said .
27 At the same time the creatures on either side of the divide between finance and industry — banks , investment banks and companies — are all squealing .
28 At the same time the structure of corporate organization has changed with the growing importance of the multi-locational , often transnational company .
29 At the same time the success of the West German foreign minister , Hans-Dietrich Genscher , in getting an agreement to bring out the thousands of East Germans from the West German embassies in Prague and Warsaw in the 24 hours before the polls closed boosted the results of his small Free Democrat party .
30 IN SEPTEMBER 1940 , the Battle of Britain was being fought over south east England by the pilots of Fighter Command , but at the same time the crews of Coastal and Bomber Commands were making heroic , but less well-known , attacks on the invasion barges and German naval forces assembled in the ports and harbours across the Channel .
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