Example sentences of "and [modal v] [adv] [verb] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 And let's not forget a few failed attempts at making it in the movies along the way .
2 Alerted by her dulcet tones , a crowd began to gather outside a downtown boutique and May generously offered a few fashion tips to the throng .
3 This , admittedly , is a hard saying , and may well stir a first inkling that there must be something fundamentally wrong with the approach which has brought us to this point .
4 The tax or expenditure is likely to lead to changes in endowments and may well affect the general equilibrium of the economy .
5 Computer-based learning has had an impact , even if it is not the impact that was expected , and may well become an important foundation of the use of multimedia systems later in the 1990s .
6 However , it is plain that the speaker of English , although he performs this general task reliably thousands of times a day , has no idea whatever how he does it , and may well have a healthy scepticism about proffered accounts in terms of linguistic or other rules .
7 They include such things as stock control , critical path analysis , and organiser programs — and may well have a major role to play in mathematics learning in the future .
8 Excess salt has been shown to be linked to high blood pressure and may also affect the efficient function of the kidneys .
9 Incorrect orientation may lead to the distortion of vault form , and may also give a wrong impression as to the morphology of a particular area .
10 These powerful new networks , usually referred to as broadband Integrated Services Digital Networks ( ISDNs ) are already being established and may soon transform the global distribution of electronic information .
11 Inactivation of the p53 pathway will result in the survival of cells exposed to mutagens , and may thus have a pivotal role in the development of cancer .
12 Regrettably no , the safety standards and regulations in operation overseas are those of the country in question and may not reach the same level as those we enjoy in the UK .
13 The problem of consistency of measurement techniques over a long period of time will have to be faced and may not have a satisfactory solution .
14 However , in a more recent study Nyman and Silberston cast some doubt on the growth of management control , reporting that as high a figure as 56.25 of the top 250 companies in the UK were still controlled by shareholders , and concluding that ‘ the extent of managerial control is more limited than has been thought and may not have an inexorable tendency to increase .
15 Alternatively parents may be unaware of the nutritional value of certain foods and may not understand the necessary balance in a diet .
16 This discovery has potential as a useful tool in the epidemiological investigation of the spread of such an organism , and may even replace the other new techniques described earlier .
17 Schemes which place teachers into industry without adequate preparation or follow up usually offer little of lasting value and may even have a detrimental effect on the relationship between education and industry .
18 Often this is because the original advisers are not familiar enough with what is involved in proving a case , and may even have the naive belief that the inherent ‘ sense ’ of their development proposal will somehow be apparent to all .
19 At this rate 1989 volume should comfortably surpass 1986 's record figure of $179bn , and may yet reach the magic $200bn .
20 His opposition while in office was such that he was ousted — to run a technical publishing house — but he is still in his early fifties and may yet have a political future .
21 This effect is absent in patients with cystic fibrosis , who have impaired pancreatic HCO 3 - secretion and may possibly have a generalised defect in gastrointestinal HCO 3 - secretion .
22 It breeds rapidly — a single female may produce 200–300 offspring in one year — and its mass production and distribution present few difficulties , although it does not thrive everywhere , is subject to disease and predation itself and may sometimes eat the wrong prey .
23 For example , coins provide the fullest and most systematic source for the names and titles of Roman emperors and may sometimes provide the basic framework for the chronology of their reigns .
24 Current research suggests that integrins are similarly located and may therefore provide a physical link between matrix and the cytoskeleton .
25 This is not to argue that these practices should not be abhorred and punished by society but it is to say that the underlying tendency may be addictive in nature and may therefore require the specific treatment appropriate for any addictive disease .
26 The existence of disability must be demonstrated and must also present a substantial handicap to the individual 's life .
27 Souness will deliver his final battle cry at the team hotel this afternoon , and must also solve a difficult goalkeeping dilemma .
28 John Sandoe with his tiny treasure trove of a bookstore off the King 's Road , understood this instinctively and must surely have the highest measure of customer loyalty in London .
29 Where an employer seeks to impose new terms , he necessarily faces the problem of the previously bargained contract of employment and must initially show a sound good business reason to justify the changes when dismissals resulting from refusals to accept them are assessed for their fairness .
30 To perform this function the controller requires information about the instantaneous speed of the motor and must then generate the Switching angle appropriate to that speed .
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