Example sentences of "and [modal v] [adv] [verb] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 There are good reasons to believe that the branching pattern and shape of the dendrites may also be important and may well change as a result of training or other types of experience .
2 Finally , one must conclude , the tale is left in a state of moral indeterminacy and neutrality , and may thus emerge as a truly " pointless " tale .
3 This always goes down well and may even result in a congratulatory Mars bar whether you win ( unlikely ) or lose ( strong possibility ) .
4 Although many parasites can probably attack a variety of related species in the initial development of the relationship , the parasite fine tunes its metabolism as the symbiosis progresses and may eventually adapt to a single species of the host .
5 Alkalosis and acidosis can result from problems with the regulation of respiration or metabolism and may therefore occur as a result of the effects of anaesthesia , the surgical procedure , fluid imbalance during the peri-operative period or a pre-existing condition , e.g. diabetes mellitus .
6 If , while on his litter , the mirza should pass through a bazaar and see something which appeals to him ‘ he should not make any difficulty about the price , and ought not to buy like a common trader . ’
7 Kicked out of Footsie , Tarmac is trailing the class acts in building materials badly and must secretly wish for a German recession to unseat Redland and RMC from their pedestals .
8 A firm which is a tied firm must take all reasonable steps to inform itself and others acting on its behalf fully about what packaged products are available from the marketing group to which it belongs , and must not proceed with a packaged product for a private customer if it is aware of another packaged product from the marketing group 's product range which would meet the customer 's requirements better .
9 On the other hand , such an authority must act in good faith , use the powers for the purpose for which they were given , take into account relevant matters and disregard the irrelevant , and must not act in a way so unreasonable that no reasonable authority could have so acted .
10 Most people who have experienced the loss of a parent or a partner have suffered bereavement , and must inevitably go through a mourning process .
11 One was about to start work in the engineering department of Rover and was already cute enough to know what you should and should n't say to a journalist , especially when it comes to forthcoming developments of the K-series engine .
12 Unless the US , upon withdrawal , left sufficient indigenous military strength to enable south Korea to defend itself against any but an overt act of aggression , US withdrawal could be interpreted as a betrayal by the US of its friends and allies in the Far East and might well lead to a fundamental realignment of forces in favour of the Soviet Union throughout that part of the world .
13 Much more alarming is the idea that you could not tell the difference between an expanding and a contracting Universe , and might indeed live in a Universe in which the arrow of time points in the opposite direction from the one you think it does !
14 IRAQ and the United Nations wind up eight days of intensive arms talks today which envoys expect will produce substantial progress on long-term monitoring of Baghdad 's weapons potential , and could eventually lead to a lifting of the Security Council 's embargo on Iraqi oil sales .
15 On the way home , she found that she wanted to cry again and could not think of a possible reason why she should .
16 The unfree did not exist legally and could not plead in a court .
17 Its consumer health division , which markets the Sanatogen range , is now up for sale and could well go to a foreign buyer .
18 I got it all back to front , and could n't think of a punchline .
19 ‘ We suddenly realized that we were as free as air , and could n't think of a thing to do with this unexpected liberty .
20 And could n't think of a reason why she should .
21 He reckoned that he would by then have far outflanked any cordon thrown up by his enemies , and could safely make for a phone .
22 Third , effective operational planning of services for individuals would be fostered by the appointment of care managers who would have more flexibility to be innovative and would also work within a clear system of accountability to senior managers .
23 ‘ A gold-backed rouble would be seen as an honest money at home and would immediately trade as a convertible currency internationally . ’
24 Staff in Virgin 's international department grew to accept the fact of opening Music Week to read that Virgin now had offices in fifteen countries ( a slight exaggeration ) , and would shortly open in a further five ( It 's the first we 've heard of it , Richard has to be kidding ! ) .
25 There are two safeguards however , such an Order requires the Secretary of State 's confirmation and would probably result in a public inquiry and should the local authority be successful s.170 of that Act provides that compensation is payable in respect or any exercise of the power .
26 Purists may not be too keen on the ‘ big band ’ approach , but these are nonetheless vital and energetic performances which convey much enthusiasm , and would probably serve as a more palatable introduction to seventeenth and eighteenth century music for the newcomer than some of the odder products of the ‘ authentic ’ movement .
27 Mr Gerlach , the acting head of state , said later he was ‘ not happy ’ about taking over his new role and would not stand as a candidate in the necessary Volkskammer election .
28 Mr Gerlach , the acting head of state , said later he was ‘ not happy ’ about taking over his new role and would not stand as a candidate in the necessary Volkskammer election .
29 Mr Gerlach , the acting head of state , said later he was ‘ not happy ’ about taking over his new role and would not stand as a candidate in the necessary Volkskammer election .
30 Abu was absent , and would not reappear for a further thirty-six hours , so we had time to watch the painful disintegration of the space-arc village and the departure of lines of subdued barefoot guests , laden with meat and buffalo horns .
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