Example sentences of "and [modal v] [verb] him [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 He 'd gone on saying it until people complained and the landlord was forced to tell him that such talk amounted to the spreading of gloom and despondency ; it was almost as bad as careless talk and would land him in the Bridewell if the police got to hear .
2 There was a confused position and Baldwin was entitled to continue until the oppositions could show that they could and would defeat him in the House of Commons .
3 She was a policewoman of sorts , and would arrest him on the spot .
4 Well aware of English fears , Napoleon III decided that a joint Anglo-French approach to the problems of the Near East would be popular in Britain and would provide him with the lever he sought to hoist France into place in the European system .
5 As early as January 1961 a US Department of State report on Cuba argued that ‘ Castro , aware of [ growing discontent within Cuba ] and of the lack of decisive support by the Soviet countries is endeavouring , through his acts of provocation , to create a crisis against Cuba that will compel the Soviets to support him and will restore him to the position of anti-imperialist hero in the eyes of his own people and the Latin American masses ’ ( US Declassified , 1982 , 001697 ) .
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