Example sentences of "and [modal v] [verb] [pron] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Right , and let's do one on the other one as well .
2 They may feel New York for the first time because its fast-dealing busyness is something the screen does n't catch and may smell it for the first time if they come in high summer but one of the great first sights of the world is gone for ever .
3 They identify people who need counselling help and may refer them to the priest or minister ; they recognize their own rituals as important aids to grieving .
4 a doctor who will give advice and treatment and may refer you to a specialist drug-abuse centre for help ;
5 Certainly Venus protects your interests while the planetary storm rages mid-month and may provide you with a real romantic or financial fillip .
6 They are permanently based at the Apollo and must acquaint themselves with every scene change of each production .
7 To overcome these problems users must think of all the various names that might have been applied , and must understand something of the geography and administration of the locality concerned .
8 This zest should be carried into the transcendent and should bring us to the horizons of mental thought .
9 The 1919 Murray 's Handbook asked in a revealing suggestion that travellers should watch out for instances when third-class passengers were not treated considerately and should report them to the management .
10 Even if you do n't normally wear make-up , you will probably need some on your wedding day as white or even ivory reflects on the skin and could leave you with a washed-out look .
11 Inside her she felt a power she could never manage to express ; it was trapped inside her like water under the ground and she was the only one with the dowser 's twigs who knew where it lay and could bring it to the surface .
12 It was quite refreshing to see and read that someone else saw these things and could articulate them in a better and more entertaining way than I could
13 Hobbes ' solution was , order must be imposed on a recalcitrant human nature , to make society possible , Rousseau 's theory was , if only people could be liberated from the things that makes them selfish , selfish and anti-social , they would come together in a natural social contract , where individuals would spontaneously give up their freedom , in order to gain the benefits of social cooperation , and Rousseau 's view was , if only people were , were fully rational , and could free themselves from the unfortunate effects of , of er civilization , they would enter into a state of erm , perfect society in which they could er , associate er without the , the necessity of things like the state or or whatever .
14 ‘ It 's the worst thing for a hangover and could put you on the slippery slope to alcoholism , ’ warns the magazine .
15 All of these comments might be qualities which we refuse to see in ourselves , and could guide us along the path towards self-discovery .
16 Labour says that it will reverse every step that the Government have taken to protect businesses , and would leave them to the mercy of Labour 's own local councils .
17 She would look all right and would throw herself into the dancing with undisciplined enthusiasm .
18 He 'd gone on saying it until people complained and the landlord was forced to tell him that such talk amounted to the spreading of gloom and despondency ; it was almost as bad as careless talk and would land him in the Bridewell if the police got to hear .
19 Their toisech would greet them , in his cone helmet with its metal nose-guard and his tunic of ring-mail over leather , and would lead them to the wing of the army commanded by my lord Ferteth , their Mormaer , and my lord Gillecrist , the Mormaer for Lennox and Strathclyde .
20 The ANC 's chief spokesman , Pallo Jordan , said that the ANC welcomed the agreement and would observe it to the letter .
21 When I mentioned this to my father he said he had to drive up that way and would take me in the car and call back for me within a couple of hours .
22 Many artists would only wish to portray Windermere in sunny weather and would turn it into a different place , but he managed to evoke any real day in the Lake District as it were in its right clothes .
23 Mandru expected the best from his Ixmaritians and would sell one without a thought if they did not live up to his requirements .
24 There was a confused position and Baldwin was entitled to continue until the oppositions could show that they could and would defeat him in the House of Commons .
25 Does my hon. Friend agree that any extra tax on the self-employed without benefits in return would damage the country 's chances of growth , and would help it in no way whatsoever ?
26 It was risky — the sentry would be sure to hear their horse as it picked up speed — but crossing the dangerous waters of the Severn at night was riskier , and would point them in the wrong direction for Winchester .
27 She was a policewoman of sorts , and would arrest him on the spot .
28 For example , she considered Yardley 's Foundation Cream highly desirable , and would purchase it at every shop where it was to be found , with the consequence that she must have had dozens of pots stored , all drying up , in the limited accommodation provided in her billet .
29 Well aware of English fears , Napoleon III decided that a joint Anglo-French approach to the problems of the Near East would be popular in Britain and would provide him with the lever he sought to hoist France into place in the European system .
30 The panel that he envisaged would be made up of their representatives and would provide them with a forum to air concerns .
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