Example sentences of "and [conj] [pers pn] went [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 and or she went to the door
2 In that same year Welford Beaton argued that it was people like clerks who made up the bulk of the great movie audience and that they went to the cinema for inspiration .
3 And so they went to the cinema .
4 His parents are well-off farmers in Somerset , and although he went to the prestigious Ampleforth school , he spent only a year after taking his A levels at agricultural college before becoming a BMW car salesman .
5 They were absolutely horrid and if I went on the beach , the first thing I did was to dig a hole in the sand to put the feet in and then just stay there all day … .
6 And if you went past the end of it with your hat on and you 're whoof
7 I was just in the office typing and er and general office work and while he went on the district you see .
8 Years ago Constance 's mother had kept chickens at the bottom of the garden , and when they went off the lay one of her sons-in-law had strangled them and she had given them away to the neighbours , being unable to eat a bird she had known personally .
9 And when we went to the market they did n't have any on as I say , Anna went to and got her gladioli .
10 Basically the full time I was in basic training and when I went to the Regimental the Royal Highl Fusiliers Regiment the first battalion , I was physically beaten and mentally tortured er into the same bargain .
11 They had an argument on the bus and Paul , I think was starting the fighting , I think er , Lynsey was holding back or something and when I went to the hospital today there was this girl , right
12 They had an argument on the bus and Paul , I think was starting the fighting , I think er , Lynsey was holding back or something and when I went to the hospital today there was this girl , right
13 Vocals went straight down with only the minimum of top end EQ to keep them sharp , and when I went for the final mixdown I have to say I was amazed at how big a sound was coming back from the monitors .
14 There were several cars in the drive and when I went into the house I saw that Mrs Rumney had a few people in for drinks ; people like herself — upper class and of obvious refinement .
15 just being bloody pathetic and when I went out the back to go home Gaynor said whatever is going on here today ?
16 And when you went inside the store , the mess just continued .
17 As he shaved his reflection seemed to be the face of a low criminal — or like one of Bodo 's associates — and when he went into the sitting-room his wife bore more than a passing resemblance to an exceptionally severe judge about to condemn that criminal to hard labour for life .
18 It was great to win but I was disgusted with the way spectators cheered Paul 's bad shots and when he went into the bunker .
19 The terrace door was open and when he went into the house Ken Corduroy found further disorder ; another chair knocked over , dirty glasses and a smell of spilled whisky .
20 And when she went into the garden all she could see were some fading lupins and irises , not enough to fill one vase .
21 And when she went inside the cottage she saw that every room was spotlessly clean and bright with flowers — nothing at all like a witch 's lair .
22 The thoughts swirled through her mind as she followed Silas and Doreen to the dining-room , and as they went towards the corner table Matt stood up .
23 Mary McCulloch and big Mary went straight along to the Duke 's house with their loads of food and as they went in the Duke came out , dressed in a long plaid of turquoise blue , and had a quick low word with them .
24 We 'd played fairly steady , and as we went to the 11th tee I automatically reached for the driver .
25 We were bunched together in the semi-final of the 1976 Olympic 1500m in Montreal and as we went for the same small gap I felt his spike again my shin .
26 I had been born on Easter Sunday 21 years earlier and as I went into the water , I thought : ‘ Laddo , you 're going to die on Easter Sunday , too ’ .
27 And we started her off and she went round and as she went past the second time she said I ca n't stop !
28 That had to be suspicious , and as she went into the hall later to go to her room he followed .
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