Example sentences of "and [adv] on the [num ord] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It 's now available for only seven shows out of twenty seven in the next programme and only on the first night of each show and only at a cost of two pounds and these are the audience of tomorrow as I wrote to you Mr you neglect these people at your peril why 've you changed the scheme ?
2 There was a light on in the hall , and apparently on the second floor , though that might be a landing .
3 Very often there were problems getting everything done to time , and especially on the first season , availability of scripts for Monday morning was the cause of many a delay .
4 No possibilities here to warm to any feeling of myself as " clever " ; the aching question instead was why the divine hand had seen fit to bestow these talents on me and not on the next child .
5 This left West Indies to make 93 , and early on the fifth morning they duly got there , having lost three wickets to Emburey and Edmonds , both of whom bowled well throughout .
6 Now there is a fourth , organised by The Cleveland Museum for its seventy-fifth anniversary in conjunction with the Réunion des Musées Nationaux and the Louvre , and now on the second stage of its tour at the Kimbell Art Museum .
7 This all-too brief period was over , and now on the fifth day after his return , the only partly healed Angel One was standing in the death arena , sword in hand , preparing to fight for his life .
8 The approach of the county council is based on certain principles , first of all it reflects the decision of the Secretary of State on the originally approved structure plan and particularly on the first alteration to the structure plans er in nineteen er eighty seven .
9 And then on the sixteenth month you 've got ta pay it back .
10 For two days after their conversation Ruth did not see the woman , and then on the third day a man leaned over from the upper deck and called out to her .
11 Two nights a week she worked here and then on the third night she washed her hair and all her clothes to get rid of the smell of fried fish and went dancing .
12 A dash down the road , and happily on the first song of Monsterland 's set has gone a-begging .
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