Example sentences of "and [adv] do they [vb infin] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 What themes emerged in public argument against the slave trade and how do they relate to the basic concern with good order and the imperative of action to achieve it ?
2 Just who are these people , and how do they relate to you and to the rest of the agency ?
3 How is health policy decided , what forms do health services take and how do they relate to people 's wishes and needs ?
4 And how do they react to those activities which might not chime so sweetly in the ears of employers … to Rastafarianism , feminism , peace campaigning or the like ?
5 When do prepayments arise and how do they differ from accruals ?
6 The children visit the church and learn to look at it and describe what they see , and this is in itself a valuable exercise ; but it becomes more valuable still if as well as noting that the fabric is stone , they are provoked to go on to enquire what type of stone , is it all the same stone , why were these types of stone Preferred , where do they come from , and how do they come to be what they are ?
7 One element common to all forms of the offence is that the forbidden conduct must take place when the policeman is acting ‘ in the execution of his duty , ’ which raises the questions ; what duties are imposed upon a policeman , and how do they come to be imposed for these purposes ?
8 What , then , is the mode of existence of these general ‘ universals ’ , such as ‘ man ’ or ‘ triangle ’ ; and how do they figure in our knowledge and thought ?
9 To repeat questions posed earlier : what have these to say , and how did they come to be ?
10 But the attitudes and relationships which haunt the present — what are they and how did they dominate in the past ?
11 And why did they put on that charade with the fake bodies when they planned to send two live substitutes to England in the Renault ? ’
12 And why do they sing in the way they do ?
13 And why do they look for an ALTERNATIVE interpretation
14 For , among other reasons , Turks did not fit into a Zuwaya genealogy ; in theory , it is possible to find all forty shaikhs who appeared from time to time in Zuwaya stories in a genealogy ( although it is only anthropologists who are sufficiently naive to ask which men were the victims and where did they fit in lists of ancestors ) .
15 Well that 's the sort of composition which immediately begs the question where do these salts come from and where do they go to ?
16 What kind of items license them and where do they have to be in the sentence .
17 But what are those categories , and where do they come from ?
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