Example sentences of "and [adv] of the [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Seeking the guidance of a sponsor — someone further into recovery in the same Fellowship and customarily of the same sex — to provide encouragement , challenge and guidance on the journey towards recovery .
2 A very lazy way to spend a day in the sun , is to buy a ‘ day ’ ticket , and hop on and off the boats and in and out of the many cafes and restaurants dotted around the lake .
3 Children wandered around even at this time of night , in and out of the many shops , playing and screaming .
4 I was to see her years later , and talk much of Eliot , they were fellow-citizens of St Louis , Missouri , and almost of the same age .
5 Even in physique they were very much alike , both being thick in the shoulders and almost of the same colouring , except that Joe 's hair showed a black sheen whereas Harry 's was a dark brown , thick matt .
6 We are still dealing with almost negligible figures in geological terms and certainly of the same order as the Synchronous/diachronous deposits such as the " Urgonian " limestones discussed in chapter 1 .
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