Example sentences of "and [adv] the [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Now I felt in a position to explore the fate of this culture , and thereby the roots of the contemporary political landscape .
2 This has not yet been discovered and we do not know what the machines are for — rather as nineteenth-century people did not know about plutonium and nuclear reactors — so we do not know what such developments will lead to in terms of aesthetic and economic considerations , and eventually the effects on the landscape and the settlements in it .
3 The tenant 's business was rendered uneconomic and eventually the terms of the lease were renegotiated at a cost of £122,220 to the tenant .
4 And so the conditions for the equality always to hold can be written :
5 Now er on the Friday of that week , the twentieth of September my Lord , erm Peter wrote a letter to Mr er dealing with the matters related to the preliminary enquiries and so the documents from the vendors solicitors they have pleaded in the statement of claim er that there was no er reference to or discussion of conditions in the contract of sale and in particular no reference to condition twenty two two , a national condition of sale which appears in paragraph three two of the statement of claim and which was a condition which er gave the purchaser the right to the contract in the event of the non-completion by the vendor after the service of a special notice to complete .
6 The thermograms obtained are similar to DTA , but actually represent the amount of electrical energy supplied to the system , not ΔT , and so the areas under the peaks will be proportional to the change in enthalpy which occurred .
7 In Britain , the political system is grounded in a fundamental consensus as to the desired ends of public policy and the means to attain them , and so the rules of the interest group game are set by society to ensure " fair play " and free access for all legitimate interests that want the ear of government .
8 to fit it and so the dimensions of the board were finalised at 110mm x 68mm .
9 The Lettrists and the Situationists had used ‘ pre-existing elements ’ for their own ends , and so the editors of the Boston text and the curators of On the Passage have , they feel , a certain entitlement to do the same .
10 At first the pairing family co-existed fairly easily with the gens , because it was not a formal organized institution as was the gens , and so the implications of the gens for such things as property and politics remained unchallenged .
11 If they are successful , they will reduce some of the practical difficulties created by late abortions , and perhaps the qualms of the mother about terminating the child .
12 New observatories to spot neutrinos arriving from space are being built in Italian mountains , Canadian mines and perhaps the depths of the Pacific .
13 Every Tuesday her fat little fingers flew like birds up and down the keys of the piano .
14 As this rose vertically into the air , the nuees rolled away sideways from its base , and down the flanks of the volcano .
15 Much the most destructive effects of the explosions , however , were a series of tsunamis ( often wrongly called tidal waves ) which swept up and down the shores of the Sunda Straits .
16 The two shook hands and after another quick look on deck , Yanto sprinted around the wheelhouse and down the ladders into the hold to join Billy ‘ That 's two quid you owe me Bill , ’ he grunted .
17 Too often she had seen her mother frowning with anxiety as she divided the contents of her father 's wage packet up between the jars labelled ‘ Rent ’ and ‘ Electric ’ and ‘ Coal Money ’ , too often at the end of the week she had watched her count out the pennies for a pound of sausages only to be able to buy just a half-pound , two for her father , one each for Paula and Sally , and only the scrapings of the pan to go with her own potatoes .
18 Given the way that business is suffering under the policies and decisions of this Government , and especially the policies of the Prime Minister , does the Minister recognise that he has a responsibility to ask his officials to deal with businesses in such a way as to enable them , wherever possible , to retain jobs and to keep their businesses going ?
19 Although they have been quieter than their conservative counterparts , liberal Democrats , and especially the members of the black caucus , have been deeply unhappy at the way policy has developed during the spring .
20 Well the City in fact has twenty one Community Centres , most of which have bars , some of them only have small bars that open maybe once a week , others have very large bars , and especially the ones with the larger bars I think are willing to take on such a project .
21 It is essential therefore that the West , and especially the countries of the European Community , give their support . ’
22 Yet great as his gifts were to us , they would surely have been even greater if he had had the knowledge we now possess and especially the translations of the poets and mystics of the orient .
23 [ The DHAC ] regarded the Corporation as representing primarily the interests of property owners and business speculators and not the interests of the working class of Derry .
24 If the one we crossed this time was a steep climb and then a pleasant sweep into a warm green valley , and not the mountains of the moon , I was the better pleased , because although it was different it was also wonderful , and because I felt instinctively that the heights must be earned .
25 They were the objects and not the subjects of the liberal era .
26 It is half past three of the afternoon and already the houses across the burn are fading into a sodden gloom .
27 Silvia had said she 'd be back some time before dinner , and already the hands of the clock were nudging seven .
28 The research will be based on Government and Parliamentary publications , private papers ( such as at the Curchill Archives Centre and Kings College , London ) and possibly the papers of The Rt .
29 Otherwise , all is fine in the electrics and wiring departments , although if I were a real fanatic , I would change the switch and possibly the pots for the better , USA variety .
30 However , at the time of the inspection any comments made by the inspectors were discussed with any teachers who were implicated , the head , and possibly the governors of the school .
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