Example sentences of "and [adv] [to-vb] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 They obtained permission from the NZRFU for most of them to drift away from Twickenham and eventually to arrive in the northern Italian town of Treviso .
2 The Minister will know from many of the schemes that he visits that one of the carrots that they hold out to young people is the ability to drive vehicles off road and eventually to train for a full licence .
3 It was far safer politically and economically to sit on the scientific fence .
4 Here they 've now installed a greenhouse which is their pride and joy and somewhere to relax after a hard day 's gardening .
5 The primary aim of the central bank is to work closely with the government and so to operate in the public interest .
6 It seemed closer but it was an illusion and there was a lot of up and down to do before the final climb to this high headland point on the south coast .
7 When it got within spitting distance of Mafouz , who was now standing , arms loosely apart , mouth open , as if hypnotized by the thing 's movements , it did a sharp turn to the left , bounced along horizontally for a few yards , and then snarled up and down to land on the unfortunate boy 's head .
8 In the year of revolutionary upheaval It had seen some of its predictions fulfilled , and a movement created which , as it developed , had less and less to do with the first publication out of the underground .
9 As it was American atomic attitudes in this period hardened British resolution not to be bullied out of the business and not to acquiesce in an American monopoly ; it encouraged her determination to be a nuclear power for the sake of the influence this was expected to give her in Washington !
10 The golden rule is to begin gently and not to plunge into a sudden regime of vigorous exercise .
11 We now have the opportunity to move out of the hotel and to rent the house of a Professor of Biology , and thus to save on the high cost of the hotel .
12 These mechanisms enable a stressed metal to be rapidly filled with dislocations ( something like 10 per square centimetre ) and thus to flow under a steady load or the blow of a hammer quite easily .
13 This has little to do with a conditioned eye , influenced by architectural orders , and more to do with a basic and instinctive feeling that lifts the spirit and brings about a sense of harmony between the scale of the house and the human frame .
14 Privatization of this sort has less to do with increased public choice by individual consumers and more to do with the cheaper provision of a standard service .
15 Unfortunately , much of this vast publicly available information resource is bibliographically ill-organised , is of very variable quality , and is frequently difficult to access or acquire The problems of accessing and acquiring such information have been greatly aggravated by the need for enterprises more and more to compete on a global basis ( compare , for example , the ‘ 1992 ’ initiative ; suddenly , we have to know all about Greece ! ) .
16 As the war neared its end , with the imminent prospect of a complete victory for Tito 's forces , all these groups had a common interest to escape and preferably to surrender to the non-Communist allies in Italy or Austria .
17 While stainless is tough and harder to scratch in the first place , once it does become marked the scratch is permanent , unlike a mark on silver-plated cutlery which can be removed by re-plating .
18 They will both work hard and urgently to carry to a successful conclusion , if they can , the two processes of which they are in charge — the peace conference at The Hague and the prospects for a UN peacekeeping force .
19 Under section 33 of the Act of 1986 , the governors are required to consult the local education authority annually as to whether the admissions arrangements are satisfactory and also to consult with the local education authority before determining , or varying , any of them .
20 It enables them to give options and also to retreat behind the literal meaning of what is said .
21 An elderly person in weakening health may be able to exert more power in the family and even to prevail on a disengaged family member to play a more active part in discussion and in regular visiting ( Bogo , 1987 ) .
22 In 1978 America 's federal bankruptcy code was rewritten in order to make it easier to file for bankruptcy , to reorganise under the protection of chapter 11 of the code , and then to re-emerge as a going concern even under the same management .
23 This method of narration allows the reader to take part in the initial experience , to share in the inquiry into its meaning from the start , and then to join in the subsequent dialogue with which Wordsworth engages ‘ the Mind out there ’ ( or the ‘ Wisdom and Spirit of the Universe ’ ) in his attempt to find a fuller explanation .
24 He stopped every now and then to listen to the patient lapping of the water , the light breeze in the leaves , scurries and sounds in the wood which he could not identify but which helped to reinforce the solitude he needed .
25 It was a spur-of-the-moment decision to hide up further along the road towards Maidenhead , and then to descend upon the unfortunate post-boy .
26 He and Joseph Hucks were to spend ‘ three or four days ’ in Oxford , and then to embark on a lengthy exploration of North Wales , the destination at that period of many travellers searching for the picturesque beauty praised by writers such as William Gilpin .
27 ‘ Stable and fruitful societies have always been elaborately graded ’ , he wrote , and the mistake of apartheid was to make a single decisive distinction on one ground — skin-colour — and then to elevate into a rigid legal system what rightly belongs to a world of personal inclination .
28 Our first aim , therefore , is to isolate significant typical events and units of social life and activity , and then to probe for the underlying blueprint , often implicit rather than explicit , that will show how they fit together into a meaningful pattern .
29 I also like to work one area in great detail and then to wash over the whole thing to blur it out .
30 Pre-service training is essential so that the staff know the rules and how to work in a disciplined system .
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