Example sentences of "and [adv] [v-ing] the [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 I put the mink coat on a chair and retraced my journey , locking the door again and eventually returning the key to Mercer who nodded without speech and put it in his pocket .
2 But they were ultimately dashed when China insisted that Hong Kong diplomats take second place to British representatives , thus demoting the views of the colony and effectively limiting the talks to the Britain and China .
3 It was Aggie who now rose first from her chair and so bringing the conversation to an end by saying , ‘ Well , ma'am , I thank you for your hospitality , and also for your kindness to the child .
4 A smashing day for sitting around with your favourite folk swapping stories and generally setting the world to rights .
5 It is trying to understand the details and hopefully finding the key to economic success for muon catalysed fusion that has occupied Steve Jones , and several others , for the last ten years .
6 And now repeating the clues to Wednesday 's mystery movie .
7 You 'll obviously have to give up your job , now that you 're pregnant , and maybe restoring the castle to its former glory would be something to both occupy your time and exercise your brain .
8 The principle indicated in those cases was a long way from the circumstances of the present case and was far from warranting the conclusion that by making a photocopy of a document which in the hands of the maker of the photocopy was not privileged , and then sending the photocopy to a solicitor for the purposes of obtaining advice , privilege was thereby cast on the copy sent to the soicitor .
9 The process is one of envisioning on paper and then transferring the result to an Apple Macintosh computer system .
10 I find this useful if I am knitting ribs on one machine and then moving the stitches to a single bed machine for the patterned part .
11 ‘ There you go , ’ he had added , opening the door and then handing the key to Ross .
12 Anyone who had had that knew a bit about the Treasury and knew a little bit about fighting back and working round them and all the rest of it and of giving orders direct to the Chancellor and saying , ‘ Look , this is what we must have ’ , and then getting the Cabinet to back it , so that it was harder for the Treasury to say ‘ No . ’
13 At his trial in April , Willett admitted registering the useful Flat performer Cecconi as Champagne Lover with the Arab Horse Society , and then taking the animal to Market Rasen for a Society race .
14 This will involve reprocessing of the material to separate out the impurities and then diluting the uranium to a suitable specification for civil use .
15 e ) mock interviews Students benefit enormously from being " interviewed " by people from industry and then having the opportunity to " debrief " , and so learn ways of improving self presentation .
16 For instance , deliberately setting Sarah Tobias ( Jodie Foster ) up in the extreme of a situation that many people — women and men — would say was ’ asking for it ’ , and graphically giving the lie to that pernicious concept .
17 This tension is resolved by coming back from the brink of the recognition of the politics of divide and rule in society in general and instead binding the issue to the micro-politics of individualised self-interest .
18 The material facts are that , some time before the notice was served , the defendant had been knowingly and actively permitting the house to be used as a brothel …
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