Example sentences of "and [adv] [vb base] [pers pn] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 When his solicitor had phoned to make the appointment , refusing to say why his client wished to see her , she had secretly prayed that fate might intervene and mercifully save her from this meeting .
2 Model B , on the other hand would effectively ‘ nationalize ’ the 90 or so major institutions and thereby remove them from local control .
3 If you are ever attacked by a man with an erect penis , simply grasp it as firmly as you can , and forcibly rearrange it from 12 o'clock to six o'clock — and then run like hell .
4 ‘ Yes , but perhaps he thought I might meet some wealthy man who would instantly fall in love with me and so relieve him of some of the responsibility , ’ she retorted , too angry to even think what she was saying , and then gave a derisive smile when she saw that he was half tempted to believe it .
5 There is a possibility that transient UOS relaxations may be unusually easy to trigger in some subjects and so predispose them to oesophagopharyngeal reflux .
6 After a while I stopped telling myself I was n't going to be sick , and — resigned to the fact that I was going to have to throw up at some point — kept telling myself instead that I 'd manage to hold it in until I was back in the flat , and so do it in private , rather than into the gutter in front of people .
7 Cooks and lawyers need to use words in their own special ways , and so do I in this book .
8 In 1466 a Bohemian visitor to England commented : … the peasants dig ditches round their fields and meadows and so fence them in that no one can pass on foot or on horseback except by the main roads ' ( 25 , p.53 ) .
9 Some people tell us to keep Moby on a tight lead and only walk him in one or two places ; others tell us not to let him off the lead as his bones are n't yet strong enough to take the strain ; some tell us to relax and hope he grows out of it .
10 They deteriorated with time , and the only way to prolong their life was to store them carefully in airtight containers and only wear them on special occasions .
11 She did routine office stuff for the rest of the day , and only re-read it at five .
12 As Gorbachev had himself told the Central Committee in February 1988 , in the ideological sphere above all they must be guided by their Marxist-Leninist principles and not forgo them under any circumstances .
13 It has been known for caterers to come in at 8am , turn all the ovens on and not use them for three hours . ’
14 I wonder if I could answer that in a in a different way because clearly rather there 's the option , rather than reduction the operational capability which was really the er initiative that had begun in nineteen ninety two , there is the option of course of er adjusting the total numbers and that would er have an overall bearing on the total programme cost but cert because certainly the judgement of the er the chiefs of staff was that er as far as the U K was concerned then we we should retain the operational capability as I explained earlier an n and not decrease it in any significant extent because if we did that then we could end up er with an inferior capability against a potential threat .
15 But such broad definitions render the terms vacuous and thus deprive them of analytical value .
16 It should always be possible for the salaried partner to rely on the nature of his subordinate position to claim to be entitled ( at any rate by necessary implication ) to an indemnity from the full partners in respect of any additional liabilities to which his being held out has exposed him : but as a matter of good practice , every would-be salaried partner should insist on written terms which clarify his standing in the firm and effectually indemnify him against extraordinary expenses and liabilities .
17 I 'm moving , I 'm scrooving , I 'm dooving this is hard , got to take all these notes and just put them into all sort of a summary .
18 Which is what I meant to erm tt get on to Chris from the press office B B C Well I 'll give him a bell and just organize it for one day .
19 and just keep them on meagre wages and then they 'd have to subsidize themselves or
20 And just help us with this , if you can remember .
21 And it in the Summer which I know it is n't the Summer , in the Summer we just take these well we will cos we have n't had any for the Summer we just takes these panes out and just open them like that in the Summer .
22 Both snails rub their penises together , and finally insert them into each other .
23 You should make a note of it and always quote it in any application or enquiries about your driving licence .
24 We begin with some simple number theory which will help us feel our way and also lead us to some new and fascinating algebraic structures .
25 okay multiply it by ten and now divide it by ten .
26 ‘ Lots of people at school have commented on it and now associate me with Tory party propaganda .
27 Their middle-class employers are suspicious and often accuse them of petty theft and idleness .
28 To do this , it has to not only come up with single products but be able to place them in product systems and even combine them in innovative ways .
29 That would protect the recovery ( and even enhance it by encouraging spending in advance of tax increases ) .
30 Please help me to know that transforming power of your Holy Spirit to overcome these difficulties , and please forgive me for all that has been wrong and selfish in what I have said , thought and done .
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