Example sentences of "and [adv] [vb base] [pron] at the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It was quite usual for me to take on this sort of job but it was n't usual for him to make an appointment for me and only tell me at the last minute , especially when it meant working after hours .
2 I said I 'm on a YTS , she went oh she said I do n't know if you 're for them , I said er well if you do n't I 'll find out and then tell you at the she goes , yeah , we 'll do that she says but I do , I do n't know if owe have to pay for them or not , you know she said I think you 're supposed to have a form .
3 If the helicopter is moving , to stop it you must apply an opposite control movement and then remove it at the precise moment that the helicopter stops .
4 Suppose also that an investor intends to buy the share , hold it for one year and then sell it at the end of the year .
5 Tell them what you 're going to tell them before you tell them , and then summarise it at the end and tell them what you told them .
6 Thank God for dome tents with two bays : you collect snow from one end for tea , pass it through the middle-man , and then deposit it at the other end .
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