Example sentences of "and [adv] [adv] [v-ing] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Looking back , it should have sounded strange , after waiting all that time in the gynae clinic , and not even seeing a doctor .
2 Perhaps it stems from a sensation that I am in some way making a prediction of awful catastrophe , and not just telling a story .
3 ’ He was infallible , kindly and not above having a go at the medicinal whisky .
4 In February John Broom , 30 , was given three life sentences for raping a schoolgirl aged 16 , and later indecently assaulting a student .
5 Secondly , is it appropriate to regard the state as bringing companies into existence on the understanding that they are to carry out public purposes , and hence similarly justifying a right of intervention ?
6 At best , he should have been waiting until the morning and then politely requesting a desk and a telephone and an interpreter somewhere in the back reaches of their Counter-Terrorism building .
7 He was making a statement that was demeaning to her , and yet her flesh burned , familiar fire stabbed at her loins and her body stirred against his , jerkily at first and then involuntarily adopting a rhythm that was both sinuous and surging , blatantly erotic .
8 It 's all about consolidation and then hopefully making a push for promotion towards the end of the season . ’
9 And in the eighties , unemployed girls who 've never experienced economic independence are doing the only thing they can — having babies , either getting married or not , but often staying with their mam and dad , and quite soon getting a council house .
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