Example sentences of "and [adv] [prep] [adv] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 However Mr Earnshaw insisted , and little by little the boy became accepted by the family .
2 Farmers in the past , just as now have had to weigh their goods somewhere , but it seems a curious activity to carry out in the middle of a field and down through quite a number of generations ( the weights span at least two centuries ) .
3 If he takes an ( optical ) photograph of the wall he will have a snap of featureless plaster , as the light is reflected back from the surface and not from inside the structure .
4 In the evening I went out to a club , stayed up all night , was late for work the next morning , got sacked and ever since then the rest of the staff have been kind enough to pretend that I 'm still one of them .
5 Both he and Amiss had spent a considerable time comforting Sunil , who had been throwing up on and off for over an hour .
6 Anyway she 's been going out on and off for quite a while now .
7 Structurally , we conclude that this crucial committee needed also to be related unambiguously and directly to both the Project Coordinating Team and the administration of the county inservice department .
8 There you are out innocently canoeing , with the most gorgeous man this side of the Rocky Mountains , and out of nowhere a storm hits .
9 That was his Sunday ritual : over to Harry 's for cards as soon as lunch was eaten , and back at exactly a quarter after six , to read the Sunday papers and then sleep off the drink .
10 He bowed to her a little formally and then with only a hint of self-mockery kissed her hand .
11 By now most readers will know that I will have left Woodworker as you read this , and indeed by now the editor 's chair supports the capable frame of Zach Taylor .
12 She had been up and about for over an hour , moving slowly about her caravan , straightening the covers on the bunk , shaking the rag rug and even giving the brass on her beloved stove an early rub with metal polish .
13 But it appears that the jury 's note was shown to Miss Tucker 's barrister in the presence of the jury , and almost at once the judge said to the barrister ‘ I do n't require you to say anything Mr. H. , ’ and ( turning to the jury ) , ‘ The short answer members of the jury is , ‘ No . ’
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