Example sentences of "and [adv] [prep] [verb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He remembered a homespun breast rough under his sleepy cheek , and an arm that cradled him , and the steady rocking of the horse under them on the long ride into the fringes of Wales that day ; and suddenly at parting the terrible knowledge in him that , if he let go of Master Harry now , he would never get him back again .
2 As will be argued more fully below , for many television ‘ reality ’ is political reality and so by negating the former one is controlling the latter .
3 Similarly in chronic chest disorders recoil is diminished , and only by using the accessory muscle of respiration is air expelled from the lungs .
4 What nobody seemed to notice was that the text of Article 23 , by referring to ‘ pre-trial discovery of documents as known in Common Law countries ’ , and especially in omitting the earlier reference to discovery between the parties , covered some types of the form of discovery known in the United States , which is far wider in its scope than that known in other Common Law countries .
5 It might appear that Mynne and his family had been ruined by a combination of the forest laws , the drive against exacted fees , and finally by backing the losing side in the civil war : yet their liquid assets must have been very considerable .
6 It requires support given by governments to be directed less at propping up declining industries , and more at helping the unemployed to rejoin the workforce .
7 In 1972 the Heath Government promoted a major Local Government Act designed to strengthen local councils , partly by weeding out the smaller and weaker local units and partly by helping the whole system to become more efficient .
8 Readability is concerned with obtaining meaning and also with motivating the intended audience .
9 We answer this question using a statistical diagnostic test ( see Section 3 ) and also by comparing the estimated reservation wages predicted by this model with the post-unemployment wages reported by our sample members .
10 This has the effect of diverting our attention away from previous cases where the method has failed and hence of escaping the sceptical argument which takes its start from those cases .
11 The ISE is sceptical of these developments , although critics of the ISE argue that it is only interested in large companies and particularly in developing the international equity market at the expense of smaller domestic equities .
12 In particular , he asks whether ( and how ) these distinct percepts can be differentially generated without assuming reliance on high-level concepts of specific 3-D objects ( such as fish or sticklebacks ) , and even without assuming the prior recognition of a specific overall shape ( such as a sort of narrow pointed ellipse with sharp projections on its upper surface ) .
13 It is riches beyond my wildest dreams and well worth fighting the Second World War for .
14 I mean most projects start with some introduction which is related to extant material , whether it 's fine art or fabric design or whatever , and then to analysing the basic level , as it were , up to the appropriate level for the age group .
15 This device provides a safe , simple , and quick way of cutting and stripping the ends of electrical flex , first by removing the tough outer insulation , and then by baring the inner wires .
16 The attempt to see the Christian message in the secular world ended up in seeing the secular world in the Christian message and then in confusing the two .
17 Close ties with Performance Fabrics remain and apart from sharing the same site Tygavac buys in about 20 per cent of its products from the Courtaulds Aerospace company .
18 The local Conservatives bought the old Organist House in 1930 , and apart from holding the odd meeting , they have n't used the building much and it 's now derelict .
19 He was not primarily a bacteriologist , and instead of using the standard criterion of survival of the organism , growth in culture , he measured the uptake of oxygen by the cultivated organisms over short periods and so obtained results more quickly .
20 You have probably experienced smiling at someone you know closely followed by embarrassment , surprise and rejection when they did not recognise you , and instead of receiving the expected smile in return you were met by a blank stare .
21 It called on the international community to contribute technically and financially towards strengthening the Permanent Secretariat of the General Treaty of Central American Economic Integration ( SIECA ) .
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