Example sentences of "and [adv] [verb] in a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In everyday life there are countless occasions on which people are confronted with the need to make a decision which , in its resolution , should be motivated by a healthy conscience and thereby result in a kindly , productive or generous act .
2 Prudent and orderly , uncompromising in his views on life and art , and instinctively reserved in a postwar world which contradicted them extensively , Frampton was a man of humour , courtesy , and charm , who unbent when he sensed that his deep feeling for beauty , order , and sound technique was shared .
3 I set her down on her usual perch and slowly walked in a straight line to the far perch , some ninety feet away .
4 It is this sharp awareness of an inner process which will release men from the constraints of time , that makes those who make enormous emotional investment in material enterprises look incredibly foolish : Heaven is the only true object of human desire and it must be particularly and discreetly nourished in a continual process of growth .
5 Talbot looked at Dr Wickram who , in startling contrast to Benson , was thin , dark and immaculately dressed in a blue suit , white button-down collar and a black tie , the funereal hue of which went rather well with the habitual severity of his expression , and said : ‘ Does your interest in nuclear physics extend to nuclear weaponry , Dr Wickram ? ’
6 Evaluation and change are logically and methodologically linked in a fundamental way .
7 It is also that , even were it not , the reliance on competition between economic units inevitably generates individual/sectional self-interest , and so reproduces in a socialist economy the individualist attitudes and self-seeking practices characteristic of capitalism .
8 What is common to all , however , is that an emphasis is placed on peaceful interaction among the members of the society , and this emphasis is cosmologically constructed and morally embedded in a cosmological universe of meaning .
9 The local labour movement was split between those who wanted to intervene politically to support members of the skilled manual working class and those who wanted to act on financial grounds and not intervene in a declining enterprise .
10 If you 're simply replacing the old cistern — and not putting in a new system alongside the old you will be without water for some considerable time while the job is done .
11 I have seen huge clumps of it on roadside bands in Greece , the deeply divided , dark green leaves bristling with formidable spines , a most fearsome spectacle , and easily recreated in a warm , sunny , well-drained spot in the garden .
12 If I had landed on the ski-track , which was hard-packed and icy , I 'd have probably broken my neck , but I seemed to swerve off centre and thus landed in a soft snow-bank and lay panting , stunned and breathless , for a few minutes .
13 Because they they 've condensed it and just put in a few little bits and pieces !
14 If you wanted to you could work a few more rows of stocking stitch and just put in a single row of holes again , but for our practise piece it is better to carry on and make more holes .
15 The conception of the centrality of literature could be tacitly and uncontroversially assumed in a 1919 bulletin of the Association where the general goal of promoting " the exact study of our literature which the English Association has at its heart " is simply stated as self-evident .
16 He left instructions regarding the disposal of his remains , directing that his body should ‘ be first opened ’ and decently deposited in a leaden coffin at Little Ilford with his late wife ; this was so done in 1737 .
17 Poisoning comes high on the list of accident cases , especially to children , and all toxic substances should be kept labelled and carefully stored in a safe place , preferably a specific cupboard in the kitchen , bathroom , garage or garden shed .
18 What he does do , though , is present these foes as mysterious and indefinably threatening in a haunting manner : ‘ For though they bodies seeme , yet substance from them fades ’ ( II , IX , 15 ) .
19 Monday dawned to a nameless figure answering questions for a non-department whose head had been defeated in the election and now reigned in a spiritual fashion from the Lords .
20 For the first time in months , her hair had been cut and now swung in a pale honey curtain halfway down her back .
21 Next morning they attended the Requiem Mass for their dead colleague who had been dressed by the monks for burial and now lay in a new pine coffin in front of the sanctuary steps of the abbey church .
22 I was accredited in general practice last June and now work in a Medical Research Council epidemiology unit , combining clinical research with 13 hours a week in general practice .
23 Syl went out of his way to preserve a semblance of youthfulness , wearing his clothes untidily and even eating in a haphazard fashion as though he was n't quite old enough to have learned proper manners .
24 Before you can begin to achieve overall competence you must master the ‘ language ’ to a point where you can think , and even dream in a new vernacular .
25 Second , in courses which are organised around the expectation that most students are young and well qualified in a traditional sense , older students who have entered through different routes may find it more difficult to succeed than in courses where there is more support , both at an institutional level and from other students with similar backgrounds and experiences .
26 He has light brown hair and was tidy and well spoken in a dark anorak and jeans
27 He was slight of build , very dark , with a sallow complexion , and meticulously dressed in a dark grey suit with a silk tie .
28 A wheat ear , in celebration perhaps , flew up and then descended in a slow ‘ butterfly ’ display flight .
29 He leaned forward as if he meant to kiss her and then said in a low voice , ‘ I 'm going to give you the name of a first-rate lawyer . ’
30 Eleanor glanced from side to side and then said in a low voice , ‘ It 's all right … what I told you about . ’
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