Example sentences of "and [adv] [verb] [adv] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The Information Technology Sub-Committee has sought to make a contribution , and successfully put forward a reasoned scheme for the amendment of pleadings by non-coloured laserprinter which was subsequently adopted for a trial period within the Commercial Division under .
2 Nina resumed cracking nuts , adopting exactly the same grip on the hammer her mother had demonstrated , and successfully opened quite a few .
3 The insect may be 50 yards away , and so make only a tiny image on my retina .
4 ‘ My mother was a very careful owner and only did about a thousand miles a year between the end of the war and 1962 .
5 In Chalatenango , for example , the FMLN forces maintain that by preference , sexual relations should not occur outside of a matrimony ( understood in a broad sense and not implying either a civil or religious ceremony ) .
6 Unless you are thinking of doing La Demande , put away your chocks and Friends and just take about a dozen quick-draws .
7 As Beatrice and Orage became lovers , she worked for the paper , assuming increasing importance editorially and soon writing about a third of the contents herself as reviewer , poet , satirist and literary adviser .
8 The centres are essentially for advice and usually offer only a limited amount , if any , of further assistance .
9 She has a good sense of humour and also shares quite a few of my interests .
10 But last March AMD stole a tenth of this market within months of launching its version of the 386 , and now claims almost a third .
11 I 'm told that Brian Summers put up some money to get the company started and now has quite a significant slice of the Supersight action . ’
12 It soon forced the back door out , and then took away a great part of his furniture .
13 " Oh , lay off , " said Clelia , and pulled away from him , and skipped a few steps on the green short grass , and then did rather a professional cartwheel .
14 I was horrified by these disclosures and indeed spent rather a troubled night reflecting on whether I had any duty to express my view .
15 What kept insects extremely small over millions of years of evolution , and why have only a few mammals ever approached the size of dinosaurs ?
16 The great drive for respectability , which was led by the trade papers and various film industry organizations , really took over the whole publicity campaign and again became almost a defining characteristic of British and especially American cinema .
17 He sighed , and softly wiped away a single tear with the tip of his finger .
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