Example sentences of "and [adv] [verb] [adv] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The Information Technology Sub-Committee has sought to make a contribution , and successfully put forward a reasoned scheme for the amendment of pleadings by non-coloured laserprinter which was subsequently adopted for a trial period within the Commercial Division under .
2 Nina resumed cracking nuts , adopting exactly the same grip on the hammer her mother had demonstrated , and successfully opened quite a few .
3 Put in pan and slowly melt over a low heat , but do not boil .
4 The station as a point of departure literally and metaphorically took on a particular intensity for the post-First World War generation of young British literati .
5 The insect may be 50 yards away , and so make only a tiny image on my retina .
6 THE second law of thermodynamics always arouses interest because it is the only widely applicable law of physics that is not symmetric under time reversal , and so singles out a particular direction of time .
7 Clearly such references are not merely longwinded substitutes for a name : they draw attention now to this , now to that aspect of the same person , and so build up a many-sided picture of each character .
8 This is a great development because it allows us to accurately get information about where fish are and so work out a basic picture of the river environment .
9 One way round this problem that has been suggested is to complement our village-centred studies of micro-process with studies of institutional or bureaucratic micro-process ; to do , for example , ethnographies of the planners as well as the planned , and so to build up a composite picture of the social realities of people in different social niches .
10 ‘ My mother was a very careful owner and only did about a thousand miles a year between the end of the war and 1962 .
11 To take a swab , net the affected fish into a bowl , take a plastic coverglass and gently scrape off a small amount of mucus .
12 ( vi ) Make preparations by dropping suspension from a Pasteur pipette on clean pre-cooled slides and gently dry over a low gas flame .
13 In Chalatenango , for example , the FMLN forces maintain that by preference , sexual relations should not occur outside of a matrimony ( understood in a broad sense and not implying either a civil or religious ceremony ) .
14 There are garden centres — and for the most part , they will be attached to nurseries where the plants are propagated and grown , not just bought in wholesale — where ‘ container grown ’ really does mean grown in a container , and not potted up a few days beforehand .
15 I would dearly like to do what one friend I know does , and that is buy one beautiful piece of furniture , or exquisite porcelain , each year from Partridge , who always have the very best , and thus build up a fine collection .
16 By this time our conscious , if unspoken , strategy was to provoke the police into over-reaction and thus spark off a mass reaction against the authorities .
17 The greater abundance of mare basalts on the mare than in the highlands is not explained in any detail , but the greater variability of rocks within the highlands could be the outcome of the maria impacts which excavated the Moon to large depths and thus brought up a great variety of layers .
18 Believing that architectural beauty derived largely from functional and structural efficiency , Anderson constantly attacked the exponents of the Scots Baronial style , and thus ushered in a new era of refinement in Scottish architecture .
19 Unless you are thinking of doing La Demande , put away your chocks and Friends and just take about a dozen quick-draws .
20 and this that and the other but people must have heard what went on and and you know the next morning they 'd see a black eye and just carry out a normal conversation as though
21 As Beatrice and Orage became lovers , she worked for the paper , assuming increasing importance editorially and soon writing about a third of the contents herself as reviewer , poet , satirist and literary adviser .
22 So it is not implausible for critics to say that the solid-state detectors are unreliable and somehow bring about a sharp distortion in the spectra .
23 Getting fit is about small amounts of physical exercise , starting slowly and gradually building up a regular routine .
24 You would think that these rabbits would have no chance against the combined land and air assaults of ferrets and hawk , but they were incredibly fast and usually disappeared down a safe hole before our Harris 's could get hold of them , even though the Harris 's hawk moves like lightning .
25 The centres are essentially for advice and usually offer only a limited amount , if any , of further assistance .
26 But after the convention , he launched his campaign with a spirited bus trip from New York to the Midwest and quickly ran up a daunting lead in the polls and held it until the campaign 's end .
27 McMahon was involved in the build-up to three of the four goals and also came out a clear winner in what was , at times , a bad-tempered midfield confrontation with Batty and McAllister .
28 In his new post , he will initiate a graduate course on petroleum policy and economics to complement the Centre 's legal courses , and also set up a new MBA ( oil and gas ) programme , the first of its kind in Scotland .
29 She has a good sense of humour and also shares quite a few of my interests .
30 At least confident that Spouse will enjoy , and probably pick up a few tips from , biography of Hitler .
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