Example sentences of "and [adv] [verb] [pron] in [adj] " in BNC.

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1 By the end of the first decade of the 19th century , he had become quite prosperous and eventually established himself in one of the old Bradley furnaces , building Bradley House around 1817 .
2 A subordinate class , such as the working class will , by definition , be low on economic resources and this will reproduce its subordination ; but it may also possibly generate a collective ethic to cope with adverse circumstances and so reproduce itself in this way according to a common cultural identity .
3 After a while I stopped telling myself I was n't going to be sick , and — resigned to the fact that I was going to have to throw up at some point — kept telling myself instead that I 'd manage to hold it in until I was back in the flat , and so do it in private , rather than into the gutter in front of people .
4 Cooks and lawyers need to use words in their own special ways , and so do I in this book .
5 In 1466 a Bohemian visitor to England commented : … the peasants dig ditches round their fields and meadows and so fence them in that no one can pass on foot or on horseback except by the main roads ' ( 25 , p.53 ) .
6 The plants are trained up a string which is zig-zagged up and down to train it in one place .
7 Some people tell us to keep Moby on a tight lead and only walk him in one or two places ; others tell us not to let him off the lead as his bones are n't yet strong enough to take the strain ; some tell us to relax and hope he grows out of it .
8 She would be hurting no one because , even if Rune had lied and was still involved in some emotional way with Lotta , the Swedish girl had already assumed they were lovers and obviously accepted them in that role without suffering undue pain .
9 I wonder if I could answer that in a in a different way because clearly rather there 's the option , rather than reduction the operational capability which was really the er initiative that had begun in nineteen ninety two , there is the option of course of er adjusting the total numbers and that would er have an overall bearing on the total programme cost but cert because certainly the judgement of the er the chiefs of staff was that er as far as the U K was concerned then we we should retain the operational capability as I explained earlier an n and not decrease it in any significant extent because if we did that then we could end up er with an inferior capability against a potential threat .
10 and just stuck it in little boxes , like little boxes and
11 Hamilton picked up a pencil , and deliberately snapped it in two .
12 You should make a note of it and always quote it in any application or enquiries about your driving licence .
13 We look at some ways of coping with it , and also recognising it in other people , because if you 've got people working for you , and they 're stressed , and they have time off work , you 've got to carry things on , have n't you ?
14 This lay demand for teaching about contemplative spirituality together with the particular emphases of individual mystics who met and also stimulated it in fourteenth-century England , both represents , and engages with , a complex web of theological and socio-historical developments .
15 ‘ Knowing you , ’ said Gay , ‘ you 'll never stop having adventures — and probably landing yourself in one dreadful pickle after another ! ’
16 Get the feeling of panelling by sticking rectangles of contrasting tape on a plain painted wall ; or by drawing rectangular stripes in panel shapes and carefully painting them in contrasting colours .
17 Using these glands and other means , they accurately regulate the pressure of gas in the bladder , and hence keep themselves in precise hydrodynamic equilibrium .
18 Defenders of the evacuees pointed out that the exercise had taken place at the end of a particularly hot summer , in which head lice would have thrived , that parents had not been properly informed of how long their children would be evacuated for ( and hence despatched them in one day 's clothing ) , or that the first day of evacuation ( 1 September ) was a Friday — the day on which working-class financial resources would have been at their lowest , preventing parents buying extra garments for their children .
19 To do this , it has to not only come up with single products but be able to place them in product systems and even combine them in innovative ways .
20 pick out a lot of those and then put them in another part of the garden .
21 But why should speakers or writers actually plan to say something in one way and then put it in other words in order to ensure the intended interpretation ?
22 Oh I just boiled the ends a bit and erm and then put it in deep water .
23 The program puts up words one at a time , in transcription , and the user 's task is to read the word and then input it in normal spelling .
24 ‘ It was disappointing to play so well at times and then lose it in that one spell .
25 A deconstructive reading of this kind , then , will take the metaphysical , logocentric oppositions at work in a text , reverse them , and then question them in such a way as to ‘ neutralize ’ them .
26 Confirmation of this was to be found in Geoff 's continued success in the full England international side when he appeared in Graham Taylor 's starting line-up for both the post-season matches at Wembley and then distinguished himself in all four games on the Australasian tour .
27 He bombards male insects with radioactive particles to sterilise them and then releases them in huge numbers , so condemning generations of females to infertility .
28 A slightly different form of bitonal and polytonal usage is found where composers define a tonality strongly and then contradict it in some prominent way .
29 In recent years there has been a trend on the part of certain police authorities to move from discussing equipment , etc. , to attempting to influence styles of policing and indeed to involve themselves in operational matters , for example in relation to industrial disputes and demonstrations .
30 By allowing their fleets and armies to be run down under Bel-Korhadris and Aethis , the Elves of Ulthuan had allowed their dark kindred to catch up and almost overhaul them in military might .
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