Example sentences of "and [adv] [verb] [pron] of [art] " in BNC.

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1 For the remaining half-hour she would be pleasant to him , and then she would quietly and purposefully remind him of the time , and with gentle dignity insist that he take her home .
2 He was moved and promising miracles , the recovery of things lost , the wholeness and holiness of things profaned ; but the faith she had professed was perhaps no more than a conviction that the star of the Prince of Aberffraw would not fail him , and that God would humour him and not cheat him of the fulfilment of his vow .
3 A few years later Clement V , formerly archbishop of Bordeaux , granted Edward further papal tenths , and thus relieved him of the need to tax the clergy directly or even to seek subsidies from his difficult lay subjects .
4 It can also in effect make it impossible for them to participate in the community and thus deprives them of an important aspect of citizenship .
5 His hatred of the Empress , whom he never forgave for producing a male heir and thus depriving him of the succession to the throne , together with his inveterate hostility to what he considered to be the ‘ reactionary powers ’ , led him at times into very deep waters indeed .
6 Nevertheless , it did add to royal pressure upon the archbishop and further reminded him of the realities of royal power : in 1285 he petitioned for the relaxation of the statute , especially in respect of grants to parish churches , but Edward reserved his right to licence — to confer or withhold favour .
7 This leaflet is not an authoritative interpretation of the law , but is intended to help self-employed people to understand their duties and obligations and also to advise them of the protection the Order gives to them .
8 This leaflet is not an authoritative interpretation of the law , but is intended to help employed people to understand their duties and obligations and also to advise them of the protection the Order gives to them .
9 She moved with a nunlike tranquillity from one sequence to the next , thinking nothing of being asked to drag a beast through a blizzard , and clearly suffering none of the discomfort felt by others .
10 ‘ Its note is a loud ringing and very peculiar sound , somewhat resembling the worlds Clink , clink , several times repeated , and strongly reminded me of the distant sound of the stroke on a blacksmith 's anvil , and hence the term ‘ arguta ’ appeared to me to be an appropriate specific appellation for this new species . ’
11 The primitive democratic organization which took on these duties , the village commune , may have afforded some consolation to the peasantry , and undoubtedly fostered something of a collectivist mentality .
12 Theodora got in exactly at nine every day and punctiliously greeted whoever of the clergy were in at that hour .
13 The best criticism is that which is both amusing and poetic ; not a cold , mathematical criticism which , on the pretext of explaining everything , has neither love nor hate , and voluntarily strips itself of every shred of temperament .
14 The test machine contains a 10-kW turbine and a 4-metre rotor , which is turned by both incoming and outgoing tides ; it will be anchored to the sea bed and therefore needs none of the costly and environmentally damaging civil engineering works associated with other tidal power schemes such as barrages .
15 It is strongly influenced by Greek and Etruscan artists and happily shows none of the degeneracy evident in some later Roman work ( PLATES 14 and 19 ) .
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