Example sentences of "and [modal v] not [vb infin] [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A consequence of this duty is that a fiduciary must make available to a [ customer ] all the information in his possession which is relevant to the [ customer 's ] affairs ; ( 4 ) The duty of confidentiality : a fiduciary must use information obtained in confidence from his [ customer ] , the beneficiary , for the benefit of the [ customer ] and must not use it for his own advantage or for the benefit of any other person .
2 — He understood very little of what was said to him in the Outpatient Clinic and could not explain it to his wife .
3 Naidoo reiterated that the NSC was expecting Sacu to come to a decision and could not ease it for them by offering guarantees of future tours .
4 In my own case I know that the first link produces the last through the intermediate link , and could not produce it without .
5 But any rational analysis of the outcome of the Democratic primaries makes it clear that Jackson 's racial identity did not and could not defeat him in the voting booth .
6 What is more , protein from plants can be cheap and need not involve you in too much radical diet change .
7 Before she and David were married , Beth had secured his promise that he would never probe into her past , and would not pester her with regard to young Richard 's father .
8 Imogen refused to go with him and would not allow you to either . ’
9 However , the optical properties of a simple calcite lens in contact with water are such that it transmits light in a diffused way and can not bring it to a sharply focused point .
10 Breaks my heart to part with them but I am going to live abroad and can not take them with me .
11 The Storys leave for Rome at the end of this month and can not take him with them .
12 The one time you see it is when a woman takes her clothes off and can not look you in the eyes ( as I could n't then ) .
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