Example sentences of "and [pron] were always [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There were a few couples whose friendship was of long standing and who were always seen about together .
2 It all seemed too large , too over-provided-for to feed them and the stunted attendants , even if there were a few more of them than they 'd seen until now ( and they were always complaining about being short-staffed , anyway ) .
3 ( ) ’ ) . Cooper painted these images in the landscape around his home area of Canterbury and they were always intended for an urban albeit regional art market .
4 I used to work for a record company as an office junior ages ago and they were always talking about music as being a packet of cornflakes : you just have to make it look right and make it so it 's easy to recognise and people will buy it .
5 Headmasters were always members of the council , in those days , and they were always tended to be La Liberal or Labour , which I the present Labour would say was very pale pink .
6 Spices suited this situation very well : they had a high value in proportion to their weight , they could not be produced in Europe , and they were always valued by rich people who used them to mask the taste of the not-too-well preserved meat which was the best that anyone could hope for in the winter .
7 Their offices faced right on to our living quarters and they were always staring at us .
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